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    I think he said something about being confused because had remembered the diner as being over the next hill or something, which means it's probably just them copying the nearest thing around.

    Well they did have a manual.

    I assumed it was some combination of all of them put together.

    Episode 7: Clara and Me travel to the mysterious swarm nebula and argue about whether to get 2% or Skim milk.

    People mostly just go get him when they want him, right?

    Yeah but that's not true, is what I'm saying. She actually has a personality outside of that trauma, and one which is affected by it, sure, but not completely constructed by it. And, yeah, we're watching a show in which her PTSD is a major factor, obviously, but there are plenty of points where her actual

    Why would you expect them to be that different?

    Manipulativeness, impulsiveness, emotional shallowness and a complete lack of empathy?

    I don't know if his past can fully explain the way he is: he had a bad childhood, definitely, but the lack of empathy he displays is not necessarily something that would result from that. And you can't just learn sociopathy.

    It's also worth noting that (1) we don't really know for sure how long she was out after that 2x4, it could have been a minute or less, as long as Kilgrave had the time to say "get me out of here" and be far enough out of the apartment, and (2) that truck really, really screws her up. I mean, she's walking, sure, but

    Sometimes a forced apology to someone is more satisfying to them than a genuine one: it's a purer demonstration of power to cause fear than respect.

    I think it just resets to keep the clues/scary bits there for him if he wanders back through again. The entire thing was designed to send him through a certain path, and if he wandered into the garden, broke something and then ran off it would make it impossible for the machine to lure him to 12 the way it wanted to,

    If every room resets completely except for the stuff that doesn't that just means that ever room does not reset completely.

    Doctor: "…The Hybrid, destined to conquer Gallifrey and stand in its ruins, is me"
    Time Lord Nearby: "You know, if you'd said that two billion years ago we would have just let you out, right?"

    Doctor: "..shut up."

    The more I think about it the more this makes me prefer your "Albert was mostly just saying something he thought they'd understand when he said "virus" and it's actually something more like a pheromone" theory. If infection was what was happening it'd be really easy to spread the virus around the population a lot

    I hadn't thought of that but it's very plausible.

    I dunno, it still feels to me like exactly the way that smart people who see themselves as stronger/more powerful than other people make dumb mistakes. "I'm not a victim like them I'm a predator and a canny operator who can turn this to my advantage!"

    Misty Knight! Misty Knight!

    The pheromones/virus difference seems pretty minimal to me, given how they treat the way the virus works, but I'm not sure why they bothered to change it. It's not obvious to me why that's better, anyway, since they didn't make the virus contagious, or show people's immune systems reacting to it, or really anything

    I didn't say he'd need to do it eventually. But if he put them there at 6 or seven and was there till 8 or 9 AM the next day then that's over twenty four hours locked in a room without any water, access to facilities, or anything really. And as far as we know he was camping out there for two or three days.