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    It is hilarious if you stop to think about it how many of the Marvel movies are basically "Tony Stark did something really stupid, and now he (and usually a bunch of other people too) have to step in and clean up the mess."

    The "Shit that booth cost a lot of money" look is one of my favorite things in Jessica Jones. He's also surprised that she's super strong, but seriously he had this covered without breaking a lot of stuff.

    He could, but he wanted two kidneys and doesn't really have the ability to care about the other guy's welfare in anything but the most shallow and fleeting way.

    Or they're trying to be cool/blase about people who kind of destroyed their city. I like to think Jessica doesn't want to start going around talking about "Captain America!" with total sincerity because she's sarcastic and that would feel ridiculous to her.

    Sure, but only until he leaves. We have no idea how long he was there - he could have showed up just for dinner, in which case they'd have been in there, I dunno, twelve or fourteen hours depending on how long he sat around enjoying dinner. But if he'd slept there overnight…

    She needed to relieve the pressure inside his brain (because concussions cause swelling and that's a major cause of trouble when you get one), and the ice packs weren't working. That's what the doctor was trying to do when he was at the hospital with his entirely futile drill.

    I guess if it makes you feel better it's hard to imagine he went back and told them they could leave later, whenever he was done there (which could have been days later).

    Jessica is pretty clear on "don't look at his face", though, and it's pretty important to her. Given what we see of Kilgrave's powers it makes total sense that's why she'd do it (we see him using gestures). He doesn't do anything when he realizes it's her, immediately, but that's because he's trying to figure out

    While he’d been a charismatic presence during appearances in his brief
    tenure as a correspondent there, his move behind the desk was
    surprising—he’d only been on the show for four months…

    And then Jason had sex with both of them, so he'd have something to report!

    I did like how long their attempt lasted once her lawyer showed up, though.
    "Oh, and those hundreds of people who just had this freaky experience aren't going to be able to testify about it and all those cops who were shooting up a building right there they've all got a good explanation is that it?"
    [awkward pause]

    If The Defenders isn't basically Heroes for Hire then I don't know what it could be. The comic book version would be an awkward fit (and not include a lot of those characters anyway). And Heroes for Hire is such a great comic and it would be so easy to just have Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones involved in it

    The sheer size of New York (and a lot of major/large cities) really is genuinely hard for people to grasp - even, I suspect, for people who live there. If the five boroughs (not even the greater metropolitan area) were their own state it would (by population) be just between Virginia and New Jersey (and in the top

    The reason Jessica doesn't kill him on the few occasions when she has a chance is that (1) she desperately needs him to clear Hope's name (and by proxy also validate both of their experiences, which even people who care about her have trouble appreciating, or at least appreciating the extent of what happened like with

    Well - except that Danny does defeat Shou-Lao. But this does sound like their best not-enormous-budget option, and I still think it wouldn't work that well. I mean, if Shou-Lao is just Thulsa Doom it doesn't feel the same to me. Even in most of the comic books, from what I can remember, when it comes up it's

    I also thought it was pretty clear that Beocca wasn't so much sincerely thanking god as loudly trying to assign the credit to him (rather than whatever pagan thing might have happened).

    They said they thought it would work, but when they try it out it doesn't work at all.

    We know that putting him under surgical anaesthesia undercuts his power*, so maybe death works along the same lines?

    The comic book version of Hogarth is a big deal in the early Iron Fist story, right? It seems like it would be a natural thing for them to do.

    I liked that as much as the show underplayed it it was clear that Trish was tough as nails - a couple different times she had super dangerous scary things happen to her and, especially when she was clear on the fact that she was in danger and it wasn't a surprise, her overall attitude sat at around "Ok, so now what?"