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    I think "totally normal thing that you can't avoid turning out to be monstrous/horrible" is somewhere between a standard trope of horror stories and an almost necessary element of them.

    I would absolutely support a Doctor Who/League of Gentlemen crossover episode.

    I think the dust creatures are just lying about being blind - they don't necessarily want to actually catch everyone who showed up, after all. So a kind of aimless threat wandering towards them that they can run away or hide from is ideal.

    Japan is on the edge of the Pacific Rim, and India is moving in a sort of north eastern direction and the Eurasian plate is kind of rotating clockwise so I don't know if it's impossible that they're wandering towards each other. All you need to do is completely eliminate almost all of Eurasia, knock things around a

    Doctor: "Tuesday"
    Nagata, interrupting: "What? Where did you get your calendar it's obviously Thursday."
    Doctor: "..I just say stuff like that because I think it's funny."

    At some point I'd like one of the Companions to bring this constant switching up. "Wait but weren't you just saying two hours ago when we were being attacked by invading lizard men on that post-apocalyptic settlement on Europa two thousand years from now that you thought we were like the single greatest thing ever

    Not to mention that, assuming that the Doctor didn't just drop the military commander off inside the nearest sun, infected people made it back to civilization.

    The machine could be doing that to the brain, or affecting its chemical processes in some way that replicated that effect. They don't just lie down in the pod, after all, there are all sorts of complicated tubes involved that do something but apparently leave no visible marks on the person. In real life sleep

    For a (supposedly) free standing story this one had every hallmark of being one that will actually be continued in later episodes.

    From the way they dissolved into dust I think it's more likely that they were free-standing monsters (and the people were just eaten alive).

    A lot of the human race, presumably, but there are people who don't use the sleep pods and, at least at the point where the show is set, it's a generally optional thing. Chopra, despite being a conscript in the whateveritwas army doesn't use one, even though there's one there on the ship and everyone else has used

    The "chatty cathy" line was especially great because Oliver's reaction was "When we get back you and I are going to have a talk." Oliver you're a good guy but you really should have thought that response through a little more.

    I was happy to hear that and then he pulled out the second wimpiest of the whiskeys. I mean, seriously now, Tennessee Sipping Whiskey? That's, like, one step up from Canadian whiskey. At least spring for Bourbon, man. It's not exactly hard to find.


    I always hope that whatever terrifying device that they will use to remake the city will turn out to be something impressive but also really boring.

    It doesn't count if Diggle's jacket doesn't have "FAIR" on one arm and "PLAY" on the other. I really hope they do that though.

    Wow Sarah Lance is really out of control what with the way she broke that guy's neck. She should have just shot him like those other five guys or something.

    Well that's not fair. One of them is literally based on the ludicrous and easily (repeatedly) debunked idea that if you reduce the amount of something you get more of what you wanted as a re… hey wait a minute.

    When "accurately describing" or even "literally quoting practitioners explaining" homeopathy counts as ridiculing it it's probably fair to say that it's only the medicine of the future if we successfully manage to dump enough carbon into the atmosphere to completely destroy anything resembling human civilization and