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    It's certainly possible, yeah, but I do think we saw two parachutes right after the explosion and no more than that. And it would be odd for them to immediately check on each other to make sure they were ok but then totally ignore the fact that there were other people on the beach as well.

    Not having agave nectar is one thing, but she seriously did not have lime juice in there and that is just inexplicable. The drink is a sour for god's sake! Just plonking a lime wedge into a glass of sugary tequila does not count.

    That was definitely not a well made margarita, though.

    That's what I remembered about the rigged election as well. I guess the story is that they were actually rigging it for her (and some other guy as well) and they lied to her about it?

    Even the city of Baltimore doesn't mean she rose out of grinding poverty or anything, though. Baltimore is fairly big and just because she's from there doesn't mean she was ever an extra in one of the really gritty scenes in The Wire (which, I'm pretty sure, is exactly what Cary and Diane immediately started thinking

    I thought it too, but mostly because that drink looked horrible.

    It was a pretty cold way of being fired, though. I mean, he pitches something to Peter, goes to try to set up a meeting with the person and then discovers that, literally while he was tracking her down to ask for a meeting Peter was calling her and getting her to replace him. And he found out by walking into the

    She wears so many big chunky chain necklaces that I'm starting to wonder if she just has one necklace and a lot of tubes of paint at home. That would save money, and make it a lot easier to match colors to her outfit.

    At some point I hope Alicia and Luca going to get tired of the investigator's charming man of mystery shtick. Just investigating him behind his back is useful, but his habit of just cheerfully never answering questions has got to be annoying, Mostly I'd like to see one of them just refuse to allow him to get away

    I did kind of enjoy the subtle gag where the camera panned across Terry and Jake sitting cozily in front of the fire drinking appalling Chinese scotch and it turned out that it was actually still bright and sunny outside.

    The bit that makes it bizarre to me isn't that he said something about doing it fifteen times, it's because when one of them asked him how he knew they would back off with the boxes or whatever he said that's what they had done the last fifteen times or something. So it sounds a lot like the negotiations succeeded

    Ooooh! You know the name of a historian/leftist! I better defer to your total lack of any knowledge whatsoever.

    Oh sure - it's not a passenger plane. But at the very least someone was flying it and there were almost certainly one or two other people there who were, apparently, standing around when the Doctor was frantically getting out the parachutes and dashing off to the emergency exit.

    It does make clear that he has a very distinctive box of tricks, though.

    Well - he did say that the Zygon lady kept her memory of things (somehow). But it really isn't clear what was going on with the memory wipe.

    "You puny humans stand no chance against our…"
    "Actually we're Zygons."
    "Oh. But you guys over there.."
    "No, we're Silurians"
    "So wait is he…"
    "Time Lord."

    It does make you wonder about the other people on board that plane.

    I really hope that after all these hybrids it just turns out that the prophesy was talking about a Prius.

    To be fair, if the episode was set in America and it was an American flag that would be a completely reasonable strategy.

    But he says he knew how it would work out because that's how it had worked out the previous times. So what was he trying for that he didn't get the other times?