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    "Aliens? Pff. That is clearly just some guy running around in an inexpensive rubber suit."

    Of course in this case it would have to be more like the "Carefully hidden secret and sort of reconciliation between the leaders Commission" rather than Truth and Reconciliation generally. Actually come to think of it a real parallel to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission would have involved, well, revealing all

    Maybe better not to use examples of people whose wars are largely the matter of Western powers coming in and starting a lot of stuff?

    There's something darkly amusing about that if you think about it. After all, there are only like five people in that room other than the Doctor. And there were a lot of Zygons (and humans!) involved in the uprising.

    "…Osgood. Although among ourselves we keep try to keep track of it with numbers. So technically I'm Osgood thirty-seven."

    "…and so I'll know if you lie and if you do I'll kill you. Do you understand?"
    (sigh) "Ok I'll start over from the beginning…"

    I think it's possible to understand that and still find the speech getting a little tiresome after ten minutes, especially when the lesson involved is kind of cliched, look-how-this-applies-to-the-real-world, and not as well matched to the rest of the story as it could have been.

    The resolution to Kate Stewart's cliffhanger was just beautiful, especially because of how it played with the science fiction/horror story conventions.

    Maybe they use the same rallying call every time they do their 'rise up and start killing people' thing?

    That would be nice because then it would mean the show hadn't said something weirdly close to "Oh, yeah every couple months the Zygons kill a few thousand people and it gets tense but then we reset the whole thing". But he also said that each of the fifteen times they had the same result as well, which would be a

    "I'm bored and I don't care about your stupid comments I'm just responding to all of them!"

    I hate to actually offer you useful advice, because I'm having way too much fun watching you flail around, but you do actually have to choose between being dismissive and having the last word.

    Still snoring eh?

    You do see how this undercuts what you're trying to say right?

    You're adorable. Never stop trying.

    Hey - I bet if you posted like two or three silly rants whoever is bored enough to have read this many of yours would totally think you were a wise and thoughtful man who had definitely shown me the error of my ways. They'd have to be at least five or six paragraphs each, though, and have a lot of insults to put me

    Lots of insults really doesn't help your case there buddy. And neither does the fact that each comment you post is like three times larger than what you're responding to.

    You know, for a reasonable person without bizarre rage issues that would be a reason to ignore it rather than to post an endless series of lengthy rants, especially when the rants are an endless variation on the topic of how the things they're posting shouldn't be posted.

    Actual argument involving, you know, facts and such is rather different than just spewing abuse like a loon. For all your love of "I'm not surprised you're unaware of" lines I'd think you'd spend more time keeping that kind of thing in mind.

    "I'm not raging about this I'm just really angry!"