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    Cisco: "What? Why would anyone trust one of your fancy watches to able … oh that's just Grindr never mind."

    My thoughts exactly. Those books, at least in reality, would be an enormous danger sign.

    "Permission to treat the witness as hostile?"

    "Can you pick up some Little Caesar's pizza on the way back from the mission?"

    Gullible and prone to black and white thinking is definitely a character trait you see in people, though, so it's not implausible that that's just how she is.

    He had taken a heavy metal baton to the side of the head just a minute ago or so - maybe he was just having a seizure and it was a coincidence that it happened at the exact moment she stuck her electric stun guns into the water (several meters away). I mean, people don't just walk away from head injuries like that.

    It's kind of weird that we haven't seen him for a while. I guess he's still in his metal free totally-not-a-prison-cell?

    Ok but to be fair the organization was like 2/3rds Nazis, who would probably be a bit uncomfortable recruiting non-white people.

    My "rant" that was me saying "hey that's kind of annoying that they got that wrong"?

    It's kind of bizarre how like every metahuman we meet ends up being some kind of criminal. Like, I get why there aren't loads of metahuman superheros - that's a really big commitment and I probably wouldn't feel like doing it if I suddenly got powers - but as far as the show is concerned it looks like the


    I had a similar set of reactions when it came to most of the bad stuff. "It's just a temporary thing (a flashbang went off in the lab/I saw something too bright/did you know if you stare right at the sun for five minutes you have trouble seeing things later/etc) but I didn't want to miss this date just because I was

    At least some versions of the Flash have had the ability to steal kinetic energy from objects, leaving them motionless (until they start to fall, I mean). So it could be that. I think they would have mentioned that ability specifically though if it was something the show intended to use.

    From what I can remember at least one of the various Killer Frost characters* was less motivated by evil/sociopathy/etc. and more by a compulsive need for heat to stay alive or not in pain or something. I can see Caitlin driven to that kind of thing out of pure desperation rather than any real dark side on her part.

    They only think of good ideas at literally the last minute?

    You never know though, maybe Wells has a wristwatch for that too.

    You know, if you have to write an endless screaming rant on the subject of "you're wasting time get a life" then maybe it's not the best accusation to be leveling. And it's especially bad if you're trying to scream about someone saying "ok that was annoying", because that is like the most minimal criticism imaginable.

    And yet, despite that they continue to say that it has a potentially very important role to play in dealing with malaria. Which makes it pretty clear that it works really well in that role. You keep trying to dance around that point but (1) countries still use DDT because of how helpful it is; (2) in the past it

    Oh and also right at the end: In 2000, I chaired a National Research Council committee that published a study titled "The Future Role of Pesticides in U.S. Agriculture." Our principal recommendation is germane to discussions of malaria
    management: "There is no justification for completely abandoning chemicals per se

    Did you read that article?