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    Go ahead and cite some evidence that it was unnecessary and I'll take it seriously. The people at the time seemed to think very differently, and international organizations disagree as well.

    The Washington Post?

    Yeah and yet somehow the WHO organization still disagrees with you on that and says it's useful for vector control efforts.

    There's no reason to get something that basic wrong, especially if it isn't necessary for the plot and helps advance a nasty and false accusation directed at the environmentalist movement in the US. So, "it's fictional" doesn't get you out of that.

    The CDC, which was the first coordinated government program directed at ending malaria in the US, was started in 1946. DDT was synthesized in 1945. So, no. DDT was only part of the efforts, which is what I said, but it was a pretty major part.

    I guess it's easy to hold things in relatively empty spaces, yeah.

    Can, yeah. But it's a famous intro-to-whatever exercise because it makes people feel oddly uncomfortable doing it, not matter how obviously irrational that feeling is to pretty much everyone.

    Was anyone else bothered by the DDT reference? I mean, it's not commonly used or anything because of what we now know about its ecological effects. But it's not vials of smallpox or yellowcake uranium or something. The US doesn't have, or wouldn't care about "stockpiles" of it. And the ban in the United States

    I'm not sure why "scientist" would really be especially helpful when it comes to aliens learning how to use superpowers. "Uhh, actually my background as a botanist is surprisingly unhelpful dear, go ask your mother." "DAD! I said I was shooting lasers out of my eyes not that I needed help with my chemistry

    Look on the plus side - if he is they can stop awkwardly saying "your/my cousin" and go straight to "the one that isn't a cyborg."

    To be fair, those firemen were spraying water all over what looked like an oil fire (barrels everywhere, not much else flammable in sight so probably one barrel broke), so they may not have been especially professional themselves.

    I know the show is too chipper for it, but deep down I really hope that the "interview" is just Kara saying "don't you f******* threaten to fire people I know just to manipulate me into doing what you want. Next time you try that the [local other paper name] get's an in depth exclusive."

    I find it hilarious that Supergirl doesn't just get to use the fortress of solitude as well. "Hey, you know how your cousin has a huge building in an area isolated enough that he can relax a bit and also he has a lot of the stuff you remember from your childhood that you can no longer find and also an AI to teach him

    Wait I thought you just said up there that you study this period.

    I suspect it's mostly there because that's the easiest place for him to put it if he's going to walk around, ride on horses, and so on. I doubt he leaves it there when he's going into battle or thinks he's going to have to draw it suddenly at some point. So really having it slung across his back is less like he has

    I think it's still something that's basically a tool to him, as much as he likes it and has it prettied up with that amber bit on the pommel. And he used his dagger to dig the grave - the sword would have been too long to dig with.

    The sight of Howard making the people around him spend time in what looks like an excruciatingly awful sensitivity training because he's unhappy that people don't like him or, especially, view him with contempt is really hilarious. It's hard to tell if he's intentionally trying to provoke a nastier situation in order

    There were a bunch but they were all at the "less credible than the claim that she personally murdered Vince Foster" level, and somewhere around the "Hillary and Bill Clinton smuggled cocaine into Arkansas via plane when he was Governor" level.

    and grad students are barely seeing stipends above 30k/year.

    Yeah, of all the things to be heterodox on unions seems like the dumbest one to me. There's almost nothing in the way of people who will get excited about a Democratic candidate who bashes unions (except for, oddly, the press). And really, good luck with that Governor-of-Illinois thing now.