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    Pretty much any time anything happens on Doctor Who a legion of people rise up to declare that Moffat is the incompetent devil, so, yeah. It really doesn't matter what they were, though.

    There have been plenty of male companions. I would think that would have as much of an effect on the general dynamic as a female Doctor.

    Although to be fair it usually went:
    "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.."
    (brief pause)
    (claps hands together)
    "Ok! Well that's that then. Oooooh.. look at this neat thing over here."

    We don't actually know why it was going off, though, do we? The Doctor thought it was because of ghosts when he was all excited about ghosts, but if it's not proper ghosts, really, then we don't really know why it's going off.

    Which South African accent is regarded that way? There are a bunch of different ones, after all.

    Dude "invented the digital clock" is a pretty different thing than making a new invention out of parts. And, you know, I already pointed out what he did there so your response is pretty weak there.

    In the comic she starts out pretty screwed up, trying to treat PTSD by drinking heavily, etc. It's very believable that she would give up on stuff to the point where she'd set her alarm clock to 3PM.

    Kid never said he invented the digital clock, genius, just that he liked
    making new things (and listed other examples of them, some of which were actually inventions, if very small ones, because that's what it means when you take stuff and build something new from them that they aren't normally made from). He built

    Good luck with that last one…


    You'd think that eventually conservative* political movements would start to learn that while carefully creating a group of terrified crazy people, no matter how small, will absolutely win you elections for a bit it always ends up turning on everyone because, for pretty obvious reasons, terrified crazy people are


    Boehner (right up until October apparently, given his press conference this morning) is both third in line for the presidency and also heads the house of representatives. He's apparently an incredible usually-can't-function-after-4-PM level drunk, too, so… probably not?

    "Lunatic demagogue!!" has been one of the classic (as in, back to the point where the word "democracy" was coined) problems with democracy. I have no problem imagining him ending up as president, either, though I have no idea how to imagine what would happen after that.

    Trump is like methamphetamine for Fox News. They know he's disastrous for them. And they know that all they have to do is just completely ignore his existence and in time he won't have any effect on them. But they just. can't. manage. it.

    If he showed up at K'un Lun as an adult and or even close to one and did something to benefit them it would come close to that, but he ends up there as a nine year old child and is saved and then adopted by them after his father is murdered and his mother is eaten alive by wolves just outside of the city. He lives

    So far none of those allegations have panned out or found anything untoward showing up, so that's not useful.

    Again you're asserting things which either aren't actually scandalous in any real way, or are just made up speculation about what might have secretly happened. It's not convincing in the slightest.

    Previous, actual political scandals have included: openly taking bribes from real estate dealers; openly taking bribes from oil companies; directly fabricating votes; illegally selling large quantities of weapons to enemies of the United States and then using the proceeds to fund terrorist groups; undercutting

    Guidelines that mostly showed up after she was Secretary of State, no less.