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    So after Whitewater [where she did nothing wrong], Foster [where she did nothing wrong], spoogegate [where someone else did something wrong with a third party], Benghazi [where she did nothing wrong], and this email thing [where she did what was at the time the normal thing to do]…. what? What does this show about

    If he perjured himself, rather than just being really sneaky in his terminology or dishonest on a matter material to the outcome of the Paula Jones lawsuit, then where's the conviction?

    Except, you know, she had been an intern previously but wasn't one at the time. And also it's not harassing if it's (as everyone involved testified) an entirely consensual affair.

    Er… no actually having her own server didn't violate any laws. It didn't even go against State Dept. policy at the time. And it was what the previous SoS's had done as well.