
It's not just that, its that the people running all of these MOBILE streaming services are total morons. They're mostly of the trust fund set or faux intellectual, hipster film school set and arrogantly ignore EVERYTHING about why people watch or do anything on their phones. It's not morphine, it's crack. They want a

Are you related to anyone famous or grotesquely wealthy? Cause if you are, I'm sure they'll put on your show even if it's the literal worst thing ever made. Nepotism… it's what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in America. It's so bad that we went to Jared. And it's why stuff like BlackPills are money pits for the

Man, I hope so. Especially in light of so many movies and shows like six or seven years AFTER that seem to have been influenced more by Panos' version of a fever dream induced 80's derivative cinema than the original themselves. Stranger Things, The Void, the new It, etc. I'd just love to see how he'd develop and

Not only that, but the parents would speak up. SOMEONE would say 'cut the shit here.' I've been in situations with my daughter where it felt like things were getting weird and we just walk away, (which, again, none of the parents did here), but NEVER in school. It really irks me when some bit of writing is the pea

Trust me, I have a 5 year old that goes to a preschool in Jersey City, NJ. Unless it's cause of some collection of extremely passive parents with one epically stupid teacher, that would NEVER. HAPPEN. Everyone speaks up when it involves not just their own kids, but other people's kids. It was an absolutely ridiculous

Thank you! I actually couldn't even watch past that scene. I have two young children and stuff like hitting and hurting happen, obviously, but no person, even an inexperienced teacher, in their right mind would do such a thing and handle it that way. I was waiting for all the parents to lynch the teacher. I've never

Wow, this sums up my mixed feelings. I love it on one hand and think it haunts you for years after, even if you didn't like it on first viewing. But goddamnit there's some insane skill on display. Far more in just a few sequences than most directors who are lauded for a lot less have ever done. This guy is so visually

I actually think Rainbow was making a point about the flower children of the 60's succumbing to greed for power and the same need to control youth that they rebelled against. There really seemed to be an 80's specific menace to the doctor as well, his look an amalgamation of everyone from Ivan Boesky to Hellraiser to

Ditto. Thought the exact same thing. If you're gonna have that kind of an answer, at least use the kid in that Hanneke movie as an example (can't remember the name, High Tension I think?).

Something about this show makes me feel like film festival hyperbole — the kind that's existed since about the time of 'Teeth' winning Sundance, has finally come to the one area it shouldn't dare show it's face: scripted tv. Where, ya know, actual WRITERS who can craft story and character in a satisfying way thrive.