
For these exact reasons, I predict that Ted and Robin DO end up together, because he and the mother are divorced or she passed away. And he's explaining to them not just how he met their mother, but why he's now with aunt Robin - because he loved her all along.

Aaaand this is exactly why even now, as Barney and Robin get married, I think that Ted and Robin will still end up together. I feel like the writers have telegraphed their love for so long now that there is no way the mother could measure up…because she's not supposed to.



We know Robin isn't the mother. We don't know that she and Ted won't end up together - I'm still pretty sure they will.

We know Robin isn't the mother. We don't know that she and Ted won't end up together - I'm still pretty sure they will.

I'm pretty sure the writers won't let it go because they're hinting that Ted and Robin truly are supposed to be together.

I'm pretty sure the writers won't let it go because they're hinting that Ted and Robin truly are supposed to be together.

Agree completely.

Agree completely.

Nope, still manipulative and dishonest. Don't care how cutesy and romantic they tried to play it off as - everything Robin said was correct and a guy getting down on one knee and smiling adorably at you while he flashes a diamond ring doesn't change any of that. I never liked Robin and Barney as a romantic pairing and

Nope, still manipulative and dishonest. Don't care how cutesy and romantic they tried to play it off as - everything Robin said was correct and a guy getting down on one knee and smiling adorably at you while he flashes a diamond ring doesn't change any of that. I never liked Robin and Barney as a romantic pairing and

I wanted to dislike this, but…

I wanted to dislike this, but…

For a show that loves misdirection and subverting expectations, I don't understand why everyone is so married to the idea that 'the mother' is definitely the one Ted ends up with.

For a show that loves misdirection and subverting expectations, I don't understand why everyone is so married to the idea that 'the mother' is definitely the one Ted ends up with.

I loved that line so much because Marshall is my favourite character, and if he believes that Robin and Ted will end up together, I feel happier believing it too.

Traveller from the future here! Watching HIMYM and reading these recaps and desperately trying to avoid spoilers. (The only thing I know about how the show ends is that it was controversial. Or in the words of my sister, who is sworn to secrecy - 'it sucked').