
''Thru the Eyes of Ruby is a slog'' and ''and the highest point of the record,is “Bullet With Butterfly Wings.”…..eh…..WTH? No waaaaaaay. This reads like a once over cursory listen of the record instead of a more mature reflective article. ''Thru the Eyes of Ruby'' truly stands as a masterpiece by anyone's standards

Forest Gump soundtrack was/is outstanding in every way. Ditto that choleric, perpetually convulsed feline's take on the Yule Tide standards.

Good feedback AVclub. It's woefully underrated. I think its more cherished now then ever before and thats why Billy went all out to give fans a fly on the wall comprehensive look at the album.

So Paul is basically remaking a film that he says he's not essentially remaking…Yawn.
No doubt this movie will never get made. It will languish in development hell like the Year One scribes, like the oens before and after ad naseum. By the way, I really don't get the AV comment scetions. its like non sequitors aiming

I lament the death of series quality. R.I.P. (since 2000)

This is just a ridiculous idea. As a longtime fan since 86 I can say that a true fan would never give their blessing to a re-developed Ghostbusters reboot, nor a ''hip, young and sexy comedic cast teamed with mentor Ghostbusters''. The films are stand alone films and the opportunity to bottle that magic for a 3rd film

''I smell another cheap cartoon crossover''.

If I could take ''Say Anything'' and compare it to Nirvana, what gives Max Bemis the right to think he as any authority at all to trash a classic song? He's in SAY ANYTHING and he's trashing NIRVANA.

This still means that torture porn is a flawed concept because healthy people shouldn't get off at graphic realistic murder.

Audiences used to have a real taste for this type of thing, but now they know when a script is simply chewed and spit out.