Long Shanks

You ever been in a position where you don't like a show but you're glad its popular because you love the source material and the actors? That's how I feel about Defenders. I want it to succeed but I don't like it that much. It's a cheap production and it shows. The writing is really bad but gets away with it because

We already got that you made an asinine statement. No need to clarify.

You mean he's a poorly written character in a poorly written show? Isn't this the show that had Hank Henshaw shouting "I am Cyborg Superman!!" because of the source material even though it made zero sense in relation to the TV show? I can go through every single character in this show and catalogue a list of shitty

You've been an asshole to the James Olsen character from the beginning. I'd really like to know why.

You might not be an apologist per say but I have run into a legion of apologists who use this strawman argument (that people believe only whites were involved in the slave trade) to somehow soak up European and American culpability for the slave trade and slavery, and to also pretend there is some Marxist conspiracy

"It's commonly thought, as both the show and the review imply…"

Am I trying to put blame solely on white people or are you trying to relieve them of blame? It doesn't work that way. A criminal is a criminal no matter the number of accomplices. I have no political persuasion. I have a macabre interest in the mental gymnastics of so many white people about the inhumanity at the

Exhibit 1344555678 of the deep psychosis of many white people in America.

Don't interracial romances by necessity involve minority roles? Are you being deliberately obtuse?

The racism on display on Supergirl is not unique to Supergirl. Barring a few notable exceptions minorities have always gotten subservient roles in mainstream entertainment. Instead of being so defensive, look at the media landscape and look at the roles minorities get. What made Supergirl different was that the

"My "point" was a joke that AVclub has a pretty hard left leaning bias."

Yeah that's exactly what I'm going to say, because i understand the dynamic at play. This is about straight masculinity and how it operates. This is about sexual competition. If you take a hard look at the media landscape you will notice that there are certain roles that not just black but ANY minority man will not

"Except for James Olson, who is a golf bag and some 5th Dimension powers away from being Mystical Negro Bagger Vance."

WM/BW relationships are A-ok! Its when the roles are reversed the anti-miscegenation urge comes into play. So you kind of didn't think about it deeply enough. Which makes you a fucking fool. IMO.

No I'm not going away asshole. Fuck you and every asshole like you that acts as the white defense league whenever the racism in the system is exposed.Jimmy Olsen was the love interest for the entire first season of the show. Then as soon as they moved it to the CW they dropped him. That's why they are scrambling to

Please. Fuck off with that "blacks are the real racists" bullshit. He was cast as the love interest but we know deep in the white psyche there's a problem with black man/white women relationships (the other way is fine however). And so what if they cast him as black? Jimmy Olsen is a supporting character. In the

Mehcad Brooks is in the sunken place on this shit show. He should actually quit and maintain what dignity he has left before they kill him off. CW = Channel White

"Where did I say or imply there would be a bias free zone?"

The overwhelming majority of fans are the kind of liberal racists Peele exposed in Get Out, all for faux diversity to hide the underlying ugly truth. I think that's what sticks in my craw the most about this shitty show, its pretense of progressivism.

You need to follow the thread of the conversation. You were the one who brought up Breitbart as the flip side to the AV Club. My point was that within that comparison and your initial crack about AV Club's pro-black bias is the belief that there is some zone or area that is free from bias. Before I mentioned you, I