
We've already proven Jimi was murdered.

Thank you for showing the public that your entries are just invective-filled puffery with zero credible content towards the subject. If you are British, your people are viciously averse to this subject and represent a high majority of those who attack it on the internet. You take a position of assumed authority and

No, actually I'm one of the world's foremost authorities on the subject. You, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to back that up with anything in the way of credible argument. The murder evidence has never been debunked. That is a false statement. It's obvious you're just guarding your ignorance with primitive

If they don't cover Jimi's murder accurately may they be cursed. I wonder what version they'll do considering Janie, a British director, and McDermott? I think we can almost assume a Jimi-desecrating choking on vomit official story with all the usual cowards not risking their necks.