all of those things are delicious. it's just meat.
all of those things are delicious. it's just meat.
turtles and terrapin is friggin delicious…
however, it's not really something you need to eat all the time. or ever really.
clearly the best.
17 year old me.
meanwhile searches for fisting and dvda have increased exponentially
it's an accident in the comics.
There's a cure. So like who cares.
The proof isn't for cersei only. It's for daenerys as well and all the people of westeros. They need to convince everybody.
Wait…you aren't rooting for incest? I've been rooting for incest since bored to death
well the fact that lena and cat grant still can't figure out that kara is super girl is just confusing…
you are in luck…they can drag this show out forever if they wanted too
so we're all cool with j'on just straight up mind wiping people now.
wow some people are really dumb
Has anything really good happened in the core x-men books since the morrison run and the cassidy astonishing run? The beginning of the waid run was ok until mark pulled a waid on it.
Iron fist just isn't a particularly interesting character…at least until the immortal iron fist arc…
even then the other characters that brubaker came up with are still more interesting then danny.
Maybe I just didn't understand this movie…
I didn't think it was nearly as good as the reviews make it out to be.
This is just about as bad as the original comics.
Quick question for anyone that knows or has thought about this stuff…
it literally doesn't.
So a woman is now defined by her ability to bear children? That's an interesting version of feminism.