
How was Pasolini a creep anymore so than Hitchcock or Ford? Also with the exception of Visconti these movies average less then two hours meaning you are watching them for less then when you watch a modern blockbuster.

I'd hope not. This group can be better than that.

You're missing out on some of the best movies of all time then. A life without Fellini, Pasolini, Rossellini, Germi, or Sorrentino is not a life worth living.

Antononi and Godard are very different.

I like this one a lot more than L'Avventura which I actually feel is the low point creatively for Antononi. He was basically in a rut at that point that only the introduction of colour could pull him out of. I also highly recommend his early features.

The shivering at the climax was so funny yet so right.

Nope, it as real as this post. Time to go back to the Smirnoff.

Fight Club, brah. Am I doing it right?

I can only imagine.

Almost poor is a fine substitute too. Point is, for me and my friends, paying off college loans seems like an impossibility let alone spending money for sport. Man's got to eat.

I suspect that like myself and many others the reason for this is because you are poor and have poor acquaintances. Sport hunting seems like a millionaire type thing.

Name o' Deer.

Reckoning already did it.

Hayley is treated real nicely and maturely throughout the show (running gags about her not be used frequently aside). I don't know what you mean by this comment.

Because Roger is evil and is frequently called out on it. He's pretty much the resident villain when not playing a character so of course he's going to use real bad and mean language. Look at the actual character development of Hayley or Francine. Hell even Steve's ex got a lot of good development and their break up

Probably why he makes ten movies a week.

Where do you get misogyny? I honestly don't know what you could be referring to.

SD too. I suspect it just gets a lot of play in general.

Doesn't really matter if the Hollywood people like him. It's amazing who they will award or even nominate (I'm looking at you BS Actress Network nominee) if they like them. Also I want to say he was nominated for JFK.

And sadly in one case will remain the only one.