
Cronenberg had never heard of the comic book until long after finishing the movie and the movie is so far from the comic that it can almost be considered an independent work.

Also Rossellini wasn't secular. Weird, but not secular.


He actually did get fired from the Post, but you know, impotent rage is better than accuracy.

As much fun as Preminger is I have to say this tops it if just for the score which might very well be the best instrumental composes in the last forty years.

Exactly. I feel like I'm in bizarro land where we don't like films.

Yes, along with Preminger's great misunderstood Rosebud.

How is Rosebud 'disastrous'?

It is a replication of the version that originally went to theaters before Henson recut it due to a negative reception.

Because they could have been castrated for it.

This year with Mood Indigo.

The animation is crazy on this show like a cheaper, weirder version of the Gravity Falls fat animation. I wouldn't rate the show as great yet, though Pete's job monologue was fantastic, but the animation alone is worth admission.


I just can't figure out how their going to be organizing this for updates which is totally obnoxious.

Just being honest, Shaft.

I'm always surprised that Purim gets the short shrift given the boner christians have for Halloween.

Comie! (I applaud those who know what I am referencing)

You misspelled boring celery guy.

Honestly this makes the Dissolve layout seem logical. This is like new Cracked on, well, crack bad.

What the fuck? New site design is awful