
Mind you, they 'updated' quite a lot for this series and it wasn't all bad was it? I actually thought making Jimmy black worked well. And then there's their experiments which did not work, such as with red tornado…

This time the dream of Krypton scenario actually works, because Supergirl lived there and actually has memories of the lost world whereas Superman did not, so why would he have dreamed about it? However, Supergirl's rage and grief at losing Krypton a second time are very plausible.

It was in character for Kara to forgive Alex immediately, but I would have preferred to see Cat Grant's reaction - she would have come out with the line about how she forbids crying in the workplace, "especially big, fat crocodile tears."

The US is certainly more different than I used to realise. Caroline is right. The general quite deliberately emphasised that his disapproval of James was NOT related to his Superman connection so what should the viewer infer?

Agreed, it would add resonance to their hero/villain dynamic as well - make it passionate and personal.

I'm aware that one needs to suspend disbelief a lot for the entire Superman or Supergirl premise, but even so, there are still things that bother me, pedant that I am. The whole idea of Krypton being another planet and yet populated by English speaking humans with European sounding names could easily be fixed. Since