
Home Alone 6: We Need To Talk About Kevin

This stuff writes itself!

At least we'll have these things on the record so history will be able to judge us accurately.

No. You have to be human for that.

Give it up for Fatty's Big Chance!

God's Still Not Dead



He plays the president in The Brink.

God dammit, Jerry!

1.7 MB for a screensaver? That's going to take me hours to download. Not everyone has a 56K modem, you know!

Political Animals was alright.

Your mother and I have been talking about this for a while, and there's no easy way to say this: we need you to move out of the house. You're 32 years old. Get a job, Internet.

Spoiler: The Vice President of the United States has a 3-way with his wife and a Secret Service agent.

Your mother and I are worried about you, Internet.

Don't be ridiculous. Of course there are - why would you even have to ask?

I love your mom's cookies.

Seems reasonable.

Let's just call this what it is: assisted suicide.

Real dog Wilfred was a very cute dog.