
I was thinking they would have been handy while being chased by hordes of vampires in a storage facility… but what do I know?

Jon locked him in his quarters, because he the wolf was acting up somehow. I don't remember specifics.

She is known as the Unburnt in the books. She definitely hung out in a funeral pyre and walked out with some dragons.

Not officially dead. Just stabbed and questionable at the end of the last book.

Theon gets Sansa the hell out of dodge (she suggests the Wall). Theon can take the vow. (Man, I really like the idea of Theon in the Night's Watch as some sort of peace for him. I'm all about this now).

I'm reading an interlaced version right now, and, man, does it help. Makes Feast something good, instead of that book we are all super bitter about.

I'll set off fireworks if Brienne takes Stannis out… my neighborhood might be a little miffed with me next week.

I said to the crowd gathered at my place to watch the show, "Well, I don't know what it says about me or the show, that I just laughed at a beheading to shake off a child being burned to death".

But would set up Stannis Vs the faith, if Red unilaterally decides to burn Stannis' daughter. Which would be the opposite of lame.

She seemed slightly happy she may have some family left. I don't think she's going to forgive Theon anytime soon for everything else he did, but she sure as hell is going to keep calling him "Theon" and try guilting him out of his Reek stupor to get her the hell out of Dodge.

A show in in its 2nd season held back on a pivotal battle scene just in case the show stayed on the air for three more years?

No, because that's not how budgets work.

Yeah, I don't think he licensed the stories thinking the show was somehow going to show exactly what has happened (and will happen in the future). He seems pretty swift.

I'm more inclined to lean towards a sort of …yeah, maybe? It has to mean something. Maybe it will protect Shireen (and makes grayscale somehow the opposite of the Light/Melisandre).

I loved the spectacle and the episode, but at the same time, I agree with her.

I've been thinking about that for quite some time. I came up with it's about brand recognition for her. She probably wants to keep Veep going (critical darling show, nobody watches). Helps people go "hey, that's JLD, what's she up to? *google* man, she's had a show for a few years now… let's watch it."

Oddly, I've based my opinion of celebrities off of Dave for quite some time. If they were frequent guests, who I could tell Dave had genuine affection towards, I knew they were at minimum actually interesting/smart, and at best awesome people.

What's it like being a sociopath?

One of the sand snakes sounds so much like Michelle Rodriguez that I have weird Lost/F&F flashes when she talks.

Theon experienced it for the audience, instead of the audience watching it.