
I read your whole stupid diatribe above,so I have no idea why I am responding to this. It was rape (at least in Theon's and Sansa's eyes) it just isn't legally rape. You seem to think the word "rape" means something other than what it does.

It was such a status quo moment for this season. None of us have energy left to point out Dan sucking anymore.

I clapped and giggled when Carolyn wouldn't give the reward up. It is the opposite of hard to watch.

Yeah, it is "they destroyed my sacred text". The show isn't the book and vice versa. Budget, show length, production, executives, and actor availability play more roles in making a TV show than the writers. There isn't a definitive way to make it… since they aren't actually making a literal translation. And if you

If you are whining about these "iconic" lines being left out… that aren't actually iconic, you want a 1:1 translation.

See… what's on the TV is an adaptation (by definition an adaptation is somewhat different than the source). I've read the books, I rather enjoy them (in a crazy super fangirl manner), and didn't rightly expect a show to somehow contain the magnitudes the books contain. A literal translation would be impossible.

I'm assuming at this point, Quentyn Martell isn't showing up, and the unceremonious roasting of the dude was some weird way of combining those stories and showing the dragons' power.

According to Jenn's exit interview on RHAP, Dan is as dumb as he seems, but Sierra told Jenn she didn't have a chance against Jenn, Mike, Joe etc… She's sticking with the undesirables for a reason. She can't be as boring as her edit seems, I hope.

The only reason I'm going to continue watching this season, is a (probably insane) grain of faith that the reason all the women/Shirin hate was put so center stage this season is Shirin slays them all somehow. A final three vs a final two tribal seems an easier route for such a smackdown.
Hell, maybe I will stop

Rodney … then welcome the Apocalypse, because those are obviously the horsemen.

I'm assuming she goes to her girlfriend, and scoops the SA's office on Bishop. Bishop gets what he deserves, but Castro gets none of the credit.

Wouldn't spilling all the beans keep her away more? "Hey Iris, I'm the Flash, and I think Wells is the Reverse Flash/homicidal maniac. You might not want to look into those murders. We have it covered." would probably work better than "uh, old boss took off. yep. that's it. Don't look into those awesome news stories

Flash has a better balance of fun/silly/serious than any of the Marvel movies. And as said above, character motivation gets a lot clearer and the audience gains much more allegiance and affection for characters after a whole season.

Next week will show whether or not he's really good at being an under the radar player, or really is just the guy who stands around posing. He knows Carolyn has the idol, he could go to the WC or BC groups and tell them to get her out with an idol in her pocket. Or he will just continue to be a non-entity.

I have a crazy Twin Peaks obsession (nice pic). I have a tattoo, collectibles, have hit all the NW locations from the show, but I don't know the breakdown of the actors astrological sign. There's a point where it goes past enthusiasm … he was way past that point.

Tyler has people giving him idol clues, telling him they have the idol… he's got some Survivor mojo happening. Keeps his mouth shut most of the time, makes a few jokes, plays along with whoever… he's dangerous.

His mumbling is detracting from any eye candy points.

They were there for all of four days. She has to advocate for herself, help people communicate with her, and learn about her limitations. I'm not a moron, you are just overly defensive about a stranger .

Maybe not, but people who assume someone with a disability is a helpless little flower that need coddled is pretty gross to me. She's a grown woman who can speak up for herself (if she chooses).

She's a 40… something year old woman. She isolated herself, and had a nervous breakdown because the pretty girls didn't invite her to go swimming. (Of course the girls didn't invite anyone else either). She can defend her own actions. She's hearing impaired, not mentally impaired. She doesn't need white-knighted on