
To be fair, the odds of a non-white character dying on Sleepy Hollow are pretty good, since they actualy have a pretty diverse cast. (Also, Irving will soon be John Cho Pt II, I imagine.)

Real women are shaped the way their genetics dictate. Some have large hips, some have no hips. Some have a booty. Some don't. Stop with any of the "real" women bullshit please.

Honestly, I'd watch a Designing Women reunion with a P.I. added to the cast of characters. I mean, no Dixie Carter, Jan Hooks, Meshach Taylor, or Alice Ghostley will be a bummer, but still. I'd watch it.


I'm 80% towards a Waller hit, 20% thinking Talia did it.

The Dr is definitely more on the sociopath-side of the tracks, but the two terms are in no way shape or form interchangeable. Psychopaths are infinitely more terrifying than sociopaths.

When Ward's end inevitably comes, I imagine we will get a healthy dose of his extremely f'ed up home life via flashback while he atones for his sins before croaking (and probably saving Skye)

Excuse the pedantic nature of this reply… he's a psychopath, not a sociopath.

And I think Ward is always pretty desperate for someone to look up to and be his dad. He's unhinged enough, he thinks he can earn Coulson's dad-like affection again.

I don't know if Joss stepped in to doctor some characters, or some people who previously worked with him took a look at his catalog of work and used it for inspiration. Grant Ward is now the most Whedon-esque character I've ever seen. This weirdly amoral sociopath with serious daddy issues who is creepily obsessed

And that's for entry level. I doubt Cary would have been hired at the base salary. This is really bugging me. Too much probably.

I'm finding it hard to believe an ASA in Cook County would only make 38,000. I was a 2nd level municipal employee in Southern Illinois 10 years ago and made $31,000.

Considering Bishop isn't a client of hers since he found new counsel, I think it's pretty evident everything she knows will be told to Lana, Cary gets acquitted, and she will be whisked away to live a new life in witness protection.

I'm just biding my time until Thea 2.0 goes on a rage-filled crazy spree fueled by her finding out that Malcom and Oliver are STILL lying to her. She's going to freak the fuck out.

This show has made me so cynical. I am 100% convinced Peter knew what he was doing when he came back. They were essentially not supposed to be on stage at the same time. He would introduce her, she would come up, they kiss/hug, and then he would leave the stage allowing no time or positioning to get a picture to

RE: Savonarola. With all the sin exposed in this episode, I could see Alicia having a bonfire of the vanities this season.

I have zero idea what this comment is about or what stance you are taking.

Alicia must really be a saint, because I think only a saint could have walked away. That scene may have been hotter than any Will and Alicia scene and nothing even happened and I'm 100% impartial as to whether or not she and Finn get together.

An easier route would have been Rocker saying "The team was trying to flush the idols Val SAID she had… apparently she lied about those idols." It would convey the message to Jeremy, without going "HEY TEAM I WAS MAKING ALLIANCES WITH THE OTHER SIDE ALREADY!"

I don't think Diane feels like she's leaving the firm she started with Will. It's a different beast now, and nothing about the formerly known as Lockhart Gardner is the firm she started or built. The last vestige of the firm was Will, and he's definitely not there anymore in spirit or body.