
From what we see of them, Abigail and Chester are shockingly normal, considering who their parents are.

I hated it. To me, it seemed that it basically gives the message: "If you get raped, don't go to the police. That's too humiliating. Instead, hunt down the rapist and murder him."

To what extent is Gibson a pariah? His reputation is ruined, yes; but he can still get roles, and he had people like Whoopi Goldberg, Jodie Foster and Robert Downey, Jr. sticking up for him. And he's going to be in The Expendables 3 - produced by Avi Lerner, and Israeli Jew.

Still, I wouldn't call him "the most PC person on the planet".

Maher? He regulary mocks religion and calls it idiotic. I wouldn't call that PC. You can't run for office on that platform.

Coming out against political correctness - so brave! Nobody calls themselves politically correct. That term is an insult, it has always been. On the other hand, you can win an audience by calling yourself politically incorrect. Bill Maher had an entire show with that name.

Gary is good at being Selina's bag man. Of course, beyond that he's useless.

"Jonah Ryan, Ryantology founder blasts Internet, and calls users 'morons'."

Richard Nixon, by the way, can be heard talking about "Judging Books by Covers" on one of his tapes. He said: "I don't mind the homosexuality. I understand it. But nevertheless, the point that I make is goddamn it, I don't think that you glorify on public television, homosexuality. […] But, goddamn it, what do you

I personally never heard anyone speak Hungarian with a Russian accent.

There are many things wrong with this…. "a hátad zsír" for example means "your back is lard".

Ellen Burstyn says a few Hungarian words. When she gets stuck in the elevator, she says "Istenem", which means "Oh, my God" Later, she tells Louie the Hungarian word for "stay". Her pronunciation is pretty bad. As for the church, you already got a translation.

A minor correction: she says "I just want to be sad by myself."

"(Given the fast-and-loose way this show plays with language, she and Evanka might not even be speaking Hungarian.)"

She said she'd rather be shot in the face…

Nice callback to the running gag from season 1: "Oh my God, the President will not stop calling!"

It was satisfying to see that for once, someone else than Selina gets publicly humiliated.

I already translated it somewhere. She says "She said "You are very stupid. You are not funny at all".

Happy to help.

I already wrote it in a comment somewhere. She says: "This was a big mistake. Now we ruined what was good. Do you understand?" Later, as she's getting up: "We will fix it somehow" and before leaving: "Everything will be all right".