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    I don't really think that the "whole of her journey" will be summed up by her children (do you realizing how de-humanizing "little placenta package" sounds? you're talking about three human lives) is true in the slightest, not even if the show's final episode ended with Leslie quitting her job and going home with her

    "Nanae nanae, Satana Satana!"

    No, no. I am white and I like CG. My friends are white and they like CG. Wake up and smell the coffee buddy because my samples indicate that 100% of his fans are white.

    Macklemore has one of the strangest and least-listenable deliveries among prominent rappers I can think of. I listened to Same Love while reading this and it was pretty rough, all his lines sound like they start a half-second too late and his flow doesn't match the music at all (because how are you supposed to rap