Charles Mitchell

When is Betty coming back?

So you're saying just preach to choir. go it. So John Stewart is just wasting his time then? Because he basically preaches his politics all day long to a bunch of college kids and/or left wing liberals. correct? You're saying it's pointless to have the debate, so just comment on meaningless drivel like Harrison Ford

I do add to many dialogues, except this one of course. I'm on many pro gun and anti gay marriage sites. And they take up a lot of web time. I am just surprised at how much you comment on meaningless culture stuff. that's all. You must be in your 20's?

awwwwe. don't be mad bro. most people think cartoons are interesting, and hang on every word that Hollywood says as if it's religion. I've read your comments and I just don't think they're adding anything meaningful to the cultural dialogue. Sorry. what you choose to talk about is lame.

I read your comments. You're not that interesting.

seriously, what do you do for a living? because I want that much time to comment on useless internet culture.

I'm not sure this is real. Could this be an early Star Wars promo?

Agreed. What's up with that stupid gratuitous violent shooting of the EMT guys?

I've seen every episode of Justified. And although there were some really bad ones in the first season, before they decided to change the format to long character arc, I just thought this weeks was one of the worst in memory. Judging by the comments though, it seems I am in the minority. So let me explain.
1. Markum's