
I watched Chronicles of Riddick because I assumed that at some point someone would yell "Ridiiiiiiiiiiick!!!!!".  I was not disappointed.

Yes there is.  Ironically in that universe Disqus has a goatee.

Yes there is.  Ironically in that universe Disqus has a goatee.

Marnie also has a psychobabble explanation at the end (hilariously intoned by a young Sean Connery) which ties everything up neatly but sort undercuts the creepiness of the rest of the movie…

Marnie also has a psychobabble explanation at the end (hilariously intoned by a young Sean Connery) which ties everything up neatly but sort undercuts the creepiness of the rest of the movie…

I haven't seen the episode in a while so might be talking out of my ass, but my memory was that Nog was being such a dick more out of his own insecurities rather than for the sake of being a dick — and that was what Sisko was trying to get Jake to emphasize with that.

I haven't seen the episode in a while so might be talking out of my ass, but my memory was that Nog was being such a dick more out of his own insecurities rather than for the sake of being a dick — and that was what Sisko was trying to get Jake to emphasize with that.

U.S.S. Theseus?

U.S.S. Theseus?

I was always curious what happened to that planet in the "The Omega Glory" after the victory of the Yangs.  Please tell me there is a novel where the visit it…

I was always curious what happened to that planet in the "The Omega Glory" after the victory of the Yangs.  Please tell me there is a novel where the visit it…

[Edit] ***spoilers below (I guess) ***

[Edit] ***spoilers below (I guess) ***

"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"

"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"

 Probably Dukat had some cockamamie plan involving surgically altering Vorta to look like Cardassians, kidnapping Jem'hadar children and, of course, copious numbers of Bajoran love-slaves.

 Probably Dukat had some cockamamie plan involving surgically altering Vorta to look like Cardassians, kidnapping Jem'hadar children and, of course, copious numbers of Bajoran love-slaves.

Well you have to question the values of a society that allows someone like Dukat to (repeatedly) assume positions of authority.

Well you have to question the values of a society that allows someone like Dukat to (repeatedly) assume positions of authority.

Not to mention that the complete clusterfuck that was the occupation of Bajor.