
Not to mention that the complete clusterfuck that was the occupation of Bajor.

You make a lot of good points.

You make a lot of good points.



One of the great things about the way the Cardassians are portrayed on DS9 is that it's actually believable that they would go through with such a convoluted plot.  Not because it would be effective but just for the sheer pleasure of its Byzantine-level of insane dickishness.   I could totally see Entek hatching this

One of the great things about the way the Cardassians are portrayed on DS9 is that it's actually believable that they would go through with such a convoluted plot.  Not because it would be effective but just for the sheer pleasure of its Byzantine-level of insane dickishness.   I could totally see Entek hatching this

I haven't seen House of Quark in a while, but is anything made of the irony of a Ferengi helping a female Klingon deal with the male chauvinism of her society?

I haven't seen House of Quark in a while, but is anything made of the irony of a Ferengi helping a female Klingon deal with the male chauvinism of her society?

Founders! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of the Borg, at least it's an ethos.

Founders! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of the Borg, at least it's an ethos.