
That's the problem with Multitasking. I meant to type Golden Globes. She STILL would have won at the 1960 Golden Globes not '61 since Some Like It Hot came out in '59. She never could have done that at the Oscars since that body didn't recognize her worthiness at ALL giving her Zero Oscar nominations.

Some of the fudging of the dates bothered me just cuz Murphy seems to be going for a bit of the authentic but then he gets sloppy. Monroe won her Oscar in 1960 (for Some Like It Hot) not '61. Joan wasn't even competing with her (though it may have been just the concept of Monroe that irked Joan, the script seemed to

they had a VERY quick shot of Cliff and Joan in Autumn Leaves where Aldrich moves her hand.

It sounded like Cathy Moriarty to me. I just assumed SHE would show up later in the season.

Is Jessica Walters ok? Her voice sounds different lately like she's been sick. She's as funny as always. I just hope she's ok.

One of my favorite horror spoofs is Diane's Nightmare from Season four of Cheers, when Diane dreams that Andy Andy has murdered every person who goes into the cellar. The final reveal at the end of the episode with the pipe is the greatest twist in Cheers history.