
She starred in the music video for Father John Misty's "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings", and she somehow managed two play both of those character types at the same time, and with no dialogue!

Yeah, totally- people give him so much shit but he's actually really really good in Parenthood and seems like a pretty cool guy

What do you mean when you say it's their most Emperor's New Clothes album?

Yeah, I really liked the book, and the tone of this trailer is so dramatic- the book was more humanizing, I guess? The narration really helped. This trailer makes me worry that they're gonna go the route of, "serial killers are so FUCKED UP, right??"

I actually really liked the addition of the Classical station- there's nothing like dodging gunfire to the Swan Lake Finale

Totally, I'm wishing for them to do an HD rerelease of it. FNV with more fleshed out storylines, fixed up bugs and better graphics than 4 sounds so niiiice

I always liked them partially because, sometimes I'd watch a movie and there would be a really strange part, like a scene of something that didn't matter or a bizarre line read or a weird song choice, and I'd wonder, "did anyone else notice this?". And I'd go on the IMDB boards to see people discussing that specific