
Garbage writing is garbage writing but it shouldn't be about the LGBT character actually being not such a nice guy (or even a lunatic) any more than the stereotypical white jock HS rapist should be so acceptable..The HS rape story should've never happened.
Characters appearing nicer or happier before the mist might

You're right….but then I would've loved another season for everyone. There seemed so much left to say about all these characters.

I don't know that I agree with some opinions about the loss of the gay character…If anything it might seem to me that it might exploit the whole PC minority victimhood mentality that we currently have running rampant. You know, the constant persecution that some insist is a given..
…But I actually personally don't

You miss the point. The message boards were often how people discovered these movies by suggestions in the first place…. Also there is a certain joy in discovery that will be missing when one is unable to find like minded people to discuss them with. Or ask questions of..There is much that will fade into obscurity

It's sad..Despite the trolls it had discussion boards on every film, tv show and actor that ever was..There's nothing else quite like it. ..I don't really see what else they will have to offer without the message boards that you can't find elsewhere…I won't be going there anymore (they will discover how many people