
god damn, I love Suburbs. that album is stellar.

the sex scene was too long?? I'm not even straight, and I thought it was a beautiful thing. they both are so damaged, it was nice to see them let down their guard and give in to their growing love for each other. in such a horrible world, they deserve some sexy time.

i honestly am not a fan of their live stuff, and even with studio albums i only really love certain (obvious) ones, so i'm by no means a "true" deadhead in many fan books. but it would be amazing to see them live back in the 70s, just because it was them in their prime.

brilliant! him and Rupert Grint with his ice cream truck — rock on, gentlemen.

i don't know… i'd put up with a LOT of deadheads to be able to see them live back in the 70s. you could not pay me to see Buffett or Bieber.

that looks delicious. thanks!

I know it's hard for people my age and older (I'm assuming I'm at least his dad's age) to understand new media, but I also have to say that his dad has a valid point here.

it's kind of amazing you lump the Dead in with the rest of that lot.

Time Bandits, Tron, Time After Time, Titanic — that's all you need to know, really. love him.

omg so true.

agreed. I thought the point was to portray a quick, vicious rout, with all the chaos that entails, and I think it did it very well.

oh, I don't know. I think he's scary — but he's crazy-scary in an entirely different way than Ramsay.

did I miss it, or are the Plasmatics on there?
and what about Neko Case?


Yoko ono inspired a TON of people, so her place on the list is definitely earned.

so, she talks up how great the El Paso version of this is, but then you don't ask her for the recipe for that? I wanna try that WAY more than the orange gloppy rest-of-texas stuff, although to be honest I'm sure that's tasty with tortilla chips and beer, too.

getting high so much that I basically forgot the second semester of my junior year.

sure, it cost 50¢ per play, but dammit, it was DON BLUTH.

agreed. this is perfection.

love it. can't wait.