
if by that you mean "what it was actually like growing up in the 1980s," because his movies capture that time better than anyone.

sorry, I only have the standard appendages.

haha, guess again.

death to the haters. vanilla is the best, because it all relies on the quality of the ingredients in it, not flashy additions like cookies, candy, or whatever people put in ice cream. without quality cream and good vanilla, you won't have good ice cream.

I'm so happy this is the first comment, because I was all "whut??"

so what does "Nymeria" mean as a fate? and "Shaggydog"?

during the last season or two?

so how is that helping, then? there are WAY more rational Bernie supporters than the ones you're painting us all as. just because Susan Sarandon is famous and got a ton of attention doesn't mean she spoke for all of us. I blame her for Trump just as much as you do.

be still my heart! I loved him back in the original series. <3

as a Bernie Sanders supporter (full disclosure: I did vote for Hillary in the general election), I find your broad-brushing of Bernie supporters insulting. I would no more rejoice in Hillary Clinton getting this than I am in John McCain getting it. it's a horrible disease, and nobody should have to deal with it.

Snopes gives a pretty thorough rundown, too:

omg this is awesome. I can't get enough of anything Spencer Krug is doing, but *especially* Wolf Parade.

I'm late to this party I'm sure, but I just discovered this tune (the whole album is fun, actually) by "Portugal. The Man." it's so damn catchy.

well, this will definitely cut down on the number of people trying to be funny during the hashtag game in my twitter feed, so it's not a totally bad thing.

well, when you're just handed good material every day, it's hard not to take the easy road.

seriously, though: @Square totally won that.

please, NO.

or a steak slowly MOVING and crawling across the counter, before bursting with maggots.

hear, hear. I'll second that.

yeah, I know, and here we are and all that. I'm still meh about him being in there. it hurts nothing in my mind. in an episode or two nobody will remember or care he was even on.