
totally agree.

but he's onscreen for a very brief time, and it's a simple moment that adds to Arya's character and nobody elses. it's not like he's a reoccurring character in the show, or even the episode. it's totally not worth the ire or the attention it's been getting.

YES. Davos my hope for the one ultimately sitting on the iron throne. I think he'd be an outstanding ruler. his story arc with Shireen broke my goddamn heart.

I also love his observation that, of all the people in the world to fall in with, he falls in with the fire-worshipping cult.

oof. I have quite a crush on Sandor. he's become one of my favorite characters, along with Ser Davos.

there have been indie band cameos almost every season. I don't find it world breaking at all. and, as the review asserts, I thought it was a nice humanizing moment. I thought for sure that Arya was going to have to kill all of them, but instead they were a gentle slap to bring her a bit back down to the ground.


oh, they did? dammit, I was hoping it would be back. I liked it.

THANK YOU. Ser Davos for the Iron Throne.

NO. sam is the nerd spirit of westeros. HE MUST LIVE.

if Brienne or Sir Davos die this season, I will end you. they must live if hope is to survive.

as an old fan, I'm super excited about this.

ahh, i didn't realize that. i just have a recording of it in a collection of great speeches of the 20th century, and it's just great.

wow, this looks so good — but it bugs me that he didn't at least replicate the cadence and intonation of one of the famous speeches of the 20th century. I guess they wanted to make it more dramatic, but omg, that speech is amazing all on its own.

it's funny watching millennials trying to capture the 70s.

you're in luck: edibles are the new hotness. smoking it is so over.

late to the party, but I really enjoyed it. Gal was perfectly cast, and she's mesmerizing. I was also super happy that David Thewlis was more than just a celebrity cameo, and I enjoyed his scene-chewing moments immensely.

seriously. I get so happy when watching stuff like this, I actually do get teary. I can't explain it. it's just so simple: all these different people experiencing a moment of shared happiness, no matter what else may separate them.

I learned to type on a typewriter. I do NOT miss them.

well, now I find myself wanting to smell Zack G.'s armpit.