
we did that when we were kids. I do not advise it.

obviously, he's NEVER going to be "over it" — moving on, such as it is, is part of the healing process. I'm sure his wife wouldn't want him to be alone forever, raising their daughter. all three of them look pretty happy with the engagement. I think after 18 months of the depths of grief, he and his daughter deserve

you and me both, you and me both.

because that's an insult to absinthe?


yeah, that was my thought, too. "augghhhh — just coat the glass! don't throw away all that absinthe!"

every old sazerac recipe I've seen uses absinthe. it's a spendy touch, but worth it. it really does add something worthwhile.

I dearly love a sazerac, but good lord was that a waste of a lot of delicious absinthe.

they have all their on-air people read it every year. it's one of my traditions to listen to it. it's great.

mmmmm, that's a nice page. some of those are from that issue of playgirl, too. <3

*fans self* not me, sigh.

the end of PW's Big Adventure… YES!

ooh, the Breakfast at Tiffany's one is definitely a good call. I'd love to be at that party.

+1 for bilbo's farewell party. oh HELL YES, that's a perfect party: it's a beautiful fall evening — still warm enough to have a party outdoors, in a beautiful place, with everyone and anyone important to you there, with plenty of food and beer.

I didn't feel I needed to offer any explanation/excuse, actually. what's the worst they could do — think that I'm GAY?

I remember being deeply disappointed that Scott Bakula's centerfold wasn't a full nude, let alone a semi-erect full nude. no, no, I'm not STILL bitter…

*applause, applause!*

I'm not a millennial, and I like Hook. : (

I'm gonna go with: "the nightmarish world where trump is president, and all that goes along with that."

I love this so much. I should become a member.