
good, because it's a skill I can't seem to pick up, anyway.

ah - that makes a difference. : )

because time gives perspective, and all that. yes, we can agree that they weren't the best things ever, and were poor successors to the original trilogy, but they also are not as bad as the scorn they STILL get. there's good stuff in there. you got heat back in '97 because they were fresher then, and many people were


came here to say this. he did both American Graffiti and THX-1138 before Star Wars, and they are fine. this is just an excuse to hate on Star Wars, because it's cool to do that now, apparently.

I can confirm! if you liked "Helplessness Blues," you'll probably like this.

I've been listening to it all day. really liking it.

I have long believed that Lucas got the idea that "political intrigue makes for good sci-fi/fantasy" from reading Dune back in the 70s. Dune never gets the scorn that Star Wars gets, and it's a lot of the same political behind-the-scenes backstabbing going on. Lucas's errors were all in the execution, AND also keeping

same here. lots to hate, but also so much to love.

the Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Maul scene is amazing. captures the essence of each character at that point so well: Qui-Gon the master, Obi-Wan the young learner, and Maul the beast-weapon.

while genetics played a role, I'm sure that mike score really really damaged his hair doing all those crazy hairstyles. so I agree with ya.

this is the right answer.

ok, scary spokeswoman. first thing: that isn't a photo behind you, it's a painted illustration. but I love Little Debbie so I'm gonna let that one slide.


i don't even recall little kids saying it that way, though. not even *when* i was a kid.

High & Dry doesn't get enough love. "Bringin' on the Heartbreak" & "Switch 625" are one of my favorite Leppard double-tracks

who in the hell thought it was REE SEE's? that's craziness.

OK Computer is one of those albums that came along and blindsided me. I already liked Radiohead, of course, but I heard that album at just the right time & place when it came out, and it just clicked for me. I'm still not tired of it. It's still on my short list of albums to take to a deserted island.

it was so lame, I can't believe any other thing, actually.

I was hoping we'd all agree on a definition, like "cromulent," and MAKE it mean something. preferably something trump would HATE.