
part of me wonders if it's a subtle dig at Art Garfunkle, since he seems to be at the heart of almost everything Simon hates from back then.

I have never hated that song. somehow it's extra funny that Paul Simon is probably telling the truth when he says he hates it.

it's hard for me to describe to younger people what seeing ESB for the first time in the theater was like, when there wasn't the internet to ruin things for you. like everyone else, I went in cold, and when Vader tells Luke, "*I* am your father!" — we lost our minds. it was a true bombshell. you just can't get away

sweet jeebus how I loved the Micronauts.

I definitely agree it was our Beatles on Sullivan. total cultural earthquake.

I had (still have, I think, somewhere) the 8-track, lol.

THANK YOU, GWEN — I related this story over at io9 earlier today, but my earliest related memory actually is about the opening scene with the star destroyer. I was 10 the year SW came out, and a friend of mine saw it before I had any clue about it. he was so blown away by it, and the next day he was telling us about

haha, nope, sorry. but seriously, just *look* at him.

Ser Davos for the Iron Throne! who's with me!

except Corden is a sweet, likable guy and Fallon sort of comes off as the guy who constantly would borrow money from you and then be "super busy" or generally unavailable when you need him to pay you back.

over Fallon? you are mad.

props for mentioning both Queen's "We Will Rock You" and Boston's "More Than A Feeling." both solos are just purely distilled Rock 'n' Roll. Brian May's solo always makes me wish my volume control knob went to 20, let alone 11, and Tom Sholz's work on those first two Boston albums is just incredible.

I think they were regional terms, but the idea plays true. there's always the "haves" and the "have-nots"

somehow I missed all this, but as a young gay guy I really found a ton to love about her books, especially the Outsiders. I'm sad to hear this. has she actually said anything actually phobic? or is it all just speculation because she refuses to acknowledge any (inadvertent) gay undertones in her work?

it's funny — I haven't seen the movie in 20+ years, and even longer for reading the book, and as soon as they mentioned it in the article, I said to myself, "As I stepped out into the bright sunlight…"

I agree. such an amazing book, at any age — but it hits especially hard when you're in high school or a bit younger.

I have yet to hear any millennial say anything nice about Gen-X or Boomers.

give me guacamole or give me death!

well, he does have a point about that avocado toast thing. I mean, wtf is up with that?