
I'm unclear on why he assumed it was in the U.S., let alone the east coast of the U.S., at all.

silly me, I thought there'd be video, because isn't everything on video nowadays?

Wendy's is also giving $100k to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption in his name, which helps kids in foster homes, so I can't hate on this.

see, millennials? this is what it feels like when Hollywood feels a need to reboot something you liked that was fine before.

I'm stunned that someone could hate somebody as talented and hilarious as Lucille ball. : ( she was so groundbreaking and sharp.

oh god I hope not.

um, it's a reference to something from the original movie…

yep. can't go wrong.

easy for you to say when you at least have the OPTION to carry a purse…!

no, because most guys look hot in Utilikilts.

yeah, long shorts seem just as dumb to me as skinny jeans.

so does that mean that purses for men are gonna be in now? because goddammit, I gotta carry my crap SOMEWHERE.

don't give up on your dreams — you too could be governor one day!

me too, which I guess underlines how evil and snake-like he is. he's deceptively charming in person. good thing twitter forces people like him to be brief and get to the point.

bah! the true hero is Ben Kenobi, sacrificing himself so they could escape!

FATTY? oh, just wait until the inevitable metabolic slowdown hits YOU, my sweet summer child!

-ER. he looks oldER. he's younger than me, so he can't be "old".

ooooh, do I love this. but I have a love of old folk at heart, especially British folk. I definitely need to remember to check this album out. did anyone get his obscure reference? it went WHOOSH, right over me, and I thought I was down with their hipster references.

as an original fan (I was 10 when the original movie came out, and omg did it affect me), I have NO problems with TFA. I honestly don't get the scorn directed at it… I thought it was a well done passing of the torch to a new generation, and a simultaneous love-letter to the original movie and fans. what's not to love?

I like this theory.