
as a gay guy, I had no issue with it, because while I have no problem with men sucking each other's dicks, I am POSITIVE the thought really really really bugs Trump. so Colbert's usage is fine with me.

The Merry Adventures of Tyrion and Bronn.
Tormund and Brienne (aka the Odd Couple of Westeros)

we can hope. but then again, it just means that their demographic is dying off and so are they — and Breitbart and InfoWars are on the ascendent with a younger, internet-savvy, hateful crowd.

agreed. well done.

I'll grant you that Peter grant was a straight-up douchebag, but that's why they hired him. I won't defend Plant and Page's sexploits, because some are indefensible. but the rest of the band, including Bonham and *especially* John Paul Jones, were by most accounts pretty decent human beings, considering it was the

thank you for mentioning lady gaga. as a gay dude, it's expected that I worship her, and I just can't. I feel she owes residuals to so many actually creative people that came before her. she has an incredible voice, I'll give her that, but aside from that? seen it.

yeah, exactly! I mean, he wasn't the most awesome choice (I mean, really, who COULD follow Biden??), but he looks like bliss to me now. I bet he would've loosened up after awhile and been pretty cool.

odd. I never knew it had a Demme connection. I know it from the end of Billy Bragg's song, "Nicaragua Nicaraguita":

don't get me wrong, i do like McDiarmid as an actor, and there were definitely some scenes that he just OWNS, but he didn't have to study another actor's work and inhabit that actor the way that McGregor did.

not really. i'm more of a rebel alliance guy, so i wasn't paying as much attention to palpatine other than the broad strokes.

I loved his portrayal of obi-wan from the first prequel, and I thought it only got better from there. by the end of the 3rd one, he had captured so many nuances of Alec Guinness, it was uncanny to me. Ewan's Kenobi has always been the saving grace of the prequels for me, for sure.

I don't care, I'm in. ESPECIALLY if it gets him that much closer to an Obi-Wan movie or three.

sometimes steve inskeep's laughter sounds too forced to me, but in general i like him. and david greene is good, too. i like the threesome on morning edition these days.

as a graphic designer, thank you for feeling my pain.

since the money they get from the govt is pretty small, I think they will be all right as long as people and companies are willing to help out.

I long held a grudge against the new hipper regime for the way Bob Edwards was treated, but I admit that i do like Inskeep and Big Sexy Greene now.

I especially love hearing Ofeibea Quist-Arcton (yes I had to google how to spell it) from DAKKAHHHHHHHHHRRRR : )

did I seriously just sit through a list of clips that have been shortened down to just give us the cliffs' notes version? GODDAMMIT!

I mean, I know he's from NYC and all, but… he does realize that 9/11 wasn't just a TV show, right? it wasn't something that GOT "ratings" as he's thinking of it. right? RIGHT??

i don't intend to portray you as a lone crackpot, and i apologize if it came off that way. i just don't understand why you'd willingly misinterpret one of the most profound aspects of the entire LOTR series when you know otherwise. the emotional bond between soldiers and survivors of horror is one of the foundations