
my point is that you reading sexuality into it is not what is meant or even inferred by the author or the text. millions of people understand it as intended. you don't. fine.

but your opinion is rooted in misunderstanding. even though it's your opinion, it's simply not the truth of the matter. you can continue to view it incorrectly, that's your call, but just understand that it's your perception, not his writing.

I'm thinking his is ANYTHING but heinous. he's fine from stem to stern.

a speaking part, even!

incorrect. you have to remember that Tolkien wrote this during and after his experiences as a soldier in WWI… anyone who goes through battles and horrors with other soldiers speaks that way of fellow soldiers. to us it might sound like its coded sexually, but it's totally not.

you know, for all its… over the top-ed-ness, I actually liked that movie.
EDIT: whoops, I meant this in reference to Jupiter Ascending!

it's impossible to argue. so heartbreaking, and so well acted.
"…my KING." oof.

yep — I lived in STL for a decade, in the 80s. KSHE was one of the best damn stations I've ever heard. I lived for their Sunday morning and "7th Day" evening programs.

it is amusing that nobody can exactly remember the origin, isn't it?

everything about this makes me so nauseous. why didn't nugent make good in getting himself thrown in prison? and why does Palin even get the time of day from anyone anymore? she's poison. and who's the 3rd asshole again??

they were too sweet, but they weren't that bad, actually. I liked them.


[edit]: meaning, "omg, I fucking love that song" : )

while I agree that the best thing about the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie was the soundtrack, what sets them both apart is that they are all great, solid songs and are more deep crate cuts than the usual go-to 70s hits. that's what I appreciate about them.

"Lake Shore Drive" by Aliota, Haynes & Jeremiah is SUCH a damn fine song. I had forgotten all about it.

it's a start!

cash, grass or ass!

and to be fair, in San Francisco it would be FAR less frowned upon for a straight guy to rock a gorgeous dress. such things just aren't an issue there.

my favorite part of the long open is when suddenly the dark side of the moon lights up with city lights. it makes me cheer every time. I LOVE the long opening sequence!

just think of the possibilities awaiting you with global warming!