
not me. I'm giddy as a ten-year-old.

nice spin there, Donald: he joined your campaign over 1/3 of the way in, and you used to say he was a major component of it. you can't wash that kind of stink off you that easily.

who here knew she could speak French? I certainly didn't. and omg, her smile could power cities. here's more of that French interview… she's so charming and thoughtful. (and poor Harrison has to sit like a lump because I'm sure he didn't know what was being said.) https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I was going to type this, too. talk about perfect. I can't imagine what it must have been like to be there.

I never saw them live, but looking at some youtube vids today made me realize that they were similar in energy and style to Huey Lewis & The News back in the 80s. the big horn section, doo-woppy thing is so much fun live.

I quote Super Dave to this day. "OH MY GOD, IT'S WORSE THAN I THOUGHT!!"

after me.

I had NO idea that White Castle started in Kansas, of all places. it's such an integral St. Louis thing that I thought it started there. or maybe Chicago. but Kansas? never occurred to me.

yeah, i agree, on all points. Avasarala is so very very savvy!

ha! love it.

I thought her relating that her dad purposely mis-told the story to cast her in a better light WAS the heartbreaking inside look at her that the author was begging for. she had been groomed and prepared to be a Mars Marine literally her entire life, and now she realizes that it was all bullshit.

he wanted a year's supply.

he's a local kid to me. the local newspaper interviewed him over the weekend about it, and, smart kid, if he makes his goal he's planning to negotiate with Wendy's to make it an in-kind donation to a local charity or food bank over a period of time. win/win/win.

someone could've saved us a jillion dollars on decades of that whole "just say NO" campaign by sharing this instead.

John Oliver's is great just for the GoT people. (no spoilers from me!)

I loved it, and still defend it. I suspect a lot of people who don't like it didn't see it in the theater when it came out, with no knowledge going in. I found it VERY effective, in that old-school "stories around the campfire" sort of way that makes the hair on your neck stand up.

except, the Exorcist actually WAS based on a real exorcism case….

ask her if she gets headaches from tomatoes and mushrooms as well, since those are a good source of MSG in nature.

I agree with everything here, *especially* the part about MSG. poor old MSG has gotten such a bad rap. even better than using them separately is mixing MSG and salt together.

I was wondering, too. thanks!