
my favorite part of the opening credits is when the moon lights up with all the city lights. gives me chills every damn time. my inner kid goes "FUCK YES — why oh WHY aren't we focusing on colonizing the MOON right now??"

I agree. I am glad to see her slowly start to break out of her military training/conditioning. at least, that's what I assume she's doing, since I haven't read the books.

he opened the door and I said, "oh shit, it's space Pinkman from Breaking Bad."

yeah, the soundtrack is great. one of the things i love about soundtracks of movies that aimed to capture what "real kids" back then were like was that the soundtracks were so eclectic, like the radio stations were then. everything is so pigeonholed now.

haha, i did, too — until now i didn't realize it took place in chicago.

i loved this movie. then when i was in high school, this same basic thing happened to me. i hate the kid that bullied me to this day. i *dreaded* every school day. but i solved it the same way makepeace did: i made friends with a bigger, badder kid. i feel he literally saved my life.

it sounds to me like he has the proper attitude about it all.

at least now he can check "stupid things i did as a kid" off his lifetime to do list.

there are many things on this list that i didn't realize originated in chicago (lemonheads? twinkies?? BROWNIES??). so, thanks, chicago!

this whole article is so meta it's making me woozy.

i agree. i love that she appears all refined and gorgeous (and she totally IS), but that she also knows when to let loose with well-timed swearing to knock people off guard, to further her ends.

omg, that shot of hillary was perfect. she looks SO angry, haha

i'm with Food52: why the hell is there cookies, candy, TWO cakes, but no PIE??


she really raised the lead pipe — uh, i mean bar — with that one.

ok, lottery, it's time for you to pay out for me now. i want to see this so very badly, and i need a metric fuck-ton of money to make it happen.

i can't believe we now have a clip of grover saying "wax OFF!", complete with hand movement.

same as every year: put on a wedding dress, joined friends in wedding dresses, got drunk.

sure, when HE does it, it's "working" — but when the black president did it, trump said it was being "lazy"!