
hey, we can't control how you interpret it.

i've heard Chuck Norris is just making sure he's the only one.

i kept waiting for it to go sideways into something besides the uncomfortable pillow-talk stuff, and… it never happened.

bless you.

he's the original hipster — moving on now that it's getting all legal and lame and shit.

all true!

no, she is. but she works from the standpoint of having to explain it to a child, clearly connecting the dots, which can be exhausting to sit through if you don't feel you need that much hand-holding.

well the only thing that makes me think it MIGHT have been purposely leaked is that she announced it, what, an hour before she went on air with it? that's very very little time for the white house to go "whaa?? omg!" and then to (somehow!) find out WHICH return she had in time to release it JUST before she went on the

i do find her build-up a tad tedious (which is what Colbert was spoofing super hard), but she understands 21st century attention spans and she takes her time to lay out all the facts with that in mind, making sure the path is crystal clear by the end.

it's worth also pointing out that her announcement forced the white house to try to steal her thunder by voluntarily releasing the same one shortly before her show aired, thereby confirming that what she had was legit. so there's that! if trump had his way, we'd never ever see ANYTHING.

i love them both, and man, this was good. colbert is so great at imitation, i'm sure maddow was rolling with laughter. her only tweet i saw referencing it was something along the lines of "HOW DID HE KNOW I OWN A CHICKEN??" haha

dang, i for one liked the flyout comments, but oh well. plus ça change…


i don't even know why *i* am supposed to revere her, so it seems unfair to expect my elected leaders to do so.

disappointed that he didn't take his shirt off once during that entire video. he's still a batshit crazy jackhole, at least.

yep, definitely. it was a gut-punch.

i actually kind of like it. it's nice to be able to scroll through the article to refresh myself about something i read while i'm typing, rather than the old way of scrolling up up up up up to read part of it again, then down down down down down, back to the comment field, etc.

but is it because of the ACA, or is it because your state didn't get on board with the plan it laid out, and help with its expansion of Medicaid, etc.? red states that opted out put their residents in a terrible place just for political points, since they *wanted* to make the ACA fail. states that were on board with

i'd probably have to bite my tongue in half, hah!

hmm, good point. i agree they are all deeply poignant. and he DOES die! he says he died and was "sent back" to finish the task he was given. so, i dunno. gandalf has been my favorite character ever since i first read the books when i was a kid, so i'm biased in that regard.