
should the internet be getting thanks for this when Jackman put this out himself? just wondering.

it is so striking to me how much he looks like his dad during the Let it Be years.

i just got back from it, and i agree with all of this. i'm not a huge x-men geek, knowledgeable in every nuance, but wow… it's brutal, and the cast gives a TON of emotion to every scene. i loved it.

this is an outrage

i have never heard of this "zoom in" thing before now, and i already hate it.

i'm surprised the article didn't mention that a common refrain from new yorkers that i saw was along the line of "you mean, my ride on tuesday?" sure, whatever.

yarp, me too.

as a gen-xer, i approve of this. it sounds like a great show, honestly.

but they don't always just show winners — they highlight people who were important to filmmaking in general, not just previous award winners. and it's hard to ignore bowie's work in film, or his impact as an artist.

i came in late, and plowed through every single one. i finally caught up when they were around 70. the only ones i skipped were a couple live ones where the audio was so bad that i just couldn't hear what they were saying. even if you're behind, you can totally skip ahead. they are pretty good about bringing listeners

i love Magic Tavern. nice to see them getting some love here. i haven't listened to all of ep 100 yet, but i'm sort of bummed that one of my favorite characters, the kicking elf, didn't come back for this episode. : \

i'm still angry they left david bowie out, but they still remembered prince. how does that even happen??

i am hoping she's smarter than this.

thank you! i was just thinking, "well, John Paul Jones is throwing a SUPER nasty look right now, not to mention John Bonham's left arm…"

*shakes fist*
if Jack dies….!

Munich is so good i forgot it was a Spielberg project. (not meaning that as a jab at Spielberg, whose work i love… i just forgot they were connected)

that photo is one of my desktop photos. i laugh every time it rotates in. the expression on his face is so priceless: "happy halloween — whelp, i'm a lobster this year."

i love everything about this!

i think "Radio Song" stands up better than "Shiny Happy" does now, though. and Radio Song is totally fun to sing along with.