
just reading the lyrics gives me chills!

anyone who can harsh on Automatic For The People will not be a friend of mine. "Nightswimming" alone is one of the finest things Stipe & Co. ever did.

kudos for mentioning the connection to the Risk game. i didn't know that — what a solid piece of party/bar trivia THAT is.

yep. i adore this film. as a young geekling, i really identified with that kid, and i loved that he found a friend in something so simple as a balloon.



and Pitfall!

did you play the Journey tie-in game? when people tell me that ET was bad, i always say "no, Journey was much worse."

ok, this deserves props. thanks, ms. slick!

somehow i think even that place is unable to escape his awfulness.

god, is there anything he can't ruin?

still trying so hard to make up for sucking up to trump, i see.

oh god, we really ARE in hell, aren't we?

if i were christie, i'd be asking wtf was in that meatloaf, and why is nobody else eating it but me? it smacks of north korean-style assassination attempts to me.

pigs, three different ones.

i was actually wondering who did his display sign for him. it's well done, better than i would expect anyway.

i say he should go for it. i know it seems crazy, but here we are living in proof that crazier things can happen.

i said, "the republicans DID obstruct Obama constantly. the dems are just getting started."

well, that was fun to fill out. also, at the bottom, be sure to put in "potus @ whitehouse dot gov" for your email address, and "20500" for the zip, for their mailing list. you can put in whatever name you want.

good. i fully support this.