
the more i read and see about him, the more i can't stand him. using your fame to spread winky-winky racist humor because you feel it's oh-so-edgy and then crying that it's a media conspiracy when you get called out on it sounds positively Trumpian to me.

actually, i thought this was a perfect reference to Stranger Things.

his #TapperDirtFile stuff on twitter was hilarious. he's a sharp guy.

any rubio's in a storm!

man, now i'm so hungry.

st. louisans don't know the meaning of being itchy in winter until they've lived somewhere that doesn't have the humidity they have. if you have to factor in wind chill, which is the moisture in the air, then you don't know dry winters. suck it up, river city people!

doctor who, is that you?

regarding Every Breath You Take: "did anyone listen to the lyrics?"

this does indeed sound life-changing. i'm in.

no, vegetarian.

but i need a regional colloquialism for a group of people, not a term of enthusiasm… : \

you'd prefer "youse"?

oh god, well, OF COURSE. we should've seen that one coming.

the reference to the bene gesserit made me snort until i saw the actual clip, and dammit, she IS like a bene gesserit! ridley's good… i would've crumpled.

as long as Chief Hop is still being awesome, i'm in.

y'all in new york need to get over yourselves. your pizza is good, i agree, but lots of places all over the country have good pizza.

i was hoping someone would mention STL style pizza. Imo's is definitely not my favorite, but it IS very very st. louis, and i love that it exists and it's unique to st. louis.

i am not a tattoo guy, but i did just order a new pride flag just so i can fly it on Obergerfell Day. (June 26, for those interested). that line, "It is so ordered" still makes me tear up.

this is top-notch trolling. well done, Mr. Tapper.

ok, that would be less appealing to me, lol