
that's so catty.

i feel so conflicted.

even though i can't stand their beer (especially after living in st. louis and seeing it EVERYWHERE), i gotta say: good one, budweiser.

as huge fans of both bands, i'm actually intrigued by this pairing, and i can't wait to see what the members of Rush say about Yes.

god that show was so great. what a cast. seeing how well they all got along off camera is definitely a jolt of joy i need today.

not having a facebook account, i hope he does. his posts have been spot-on, and a breath of fresh air. yes, he's been all over trump, but he also has been calling out the media in general about their reluctance to call trump a liar when he clearly is one.

a compelling argument. Taco Doritos will always have my undying love. but dammit, knowing he like them too makes me feel awful eating them, when it used to be a purely pleasurable experience.

oh damn, that's a good point. BUT I FEEL REALLY GOOD ABOUT THIS ONE!

"predictive programming"? how about "odds are in your favor"?

great, now trump has to ruin potato chips and doritos, too? is there anything Twitler can't fuck up?

yes, that's pretty much how it felt.

fwiw, the taxes petition had the same trouble showing a correct count, but it obviously was counting correctly somewhere because it got enough. i can't wait to hear what that golddigger Kellyanne Conway or that dippin' dots hating Spicer will say about this one!

yeah, that would be appropriate. like in the Exorcist, haha — "did i just see…?"

i hope there's a way to stream it, or i'm going to be reduced to piracy again.

holding hopes out for Don Gato, Whiteshadow, and Bengal Jack.

i'm so impressed with their attention to detail. i've now got the game in farming-for-cash mode until they release new cats, and i recognize all the items he has in that room.

this video had 100% more trump than i've voluntarily viewed since the election. on that count it's nauseating. but the illustrations were great — reminded me of bush-era radiohead bears.

i would add anything Godspeed You(!) Black Emperor! put out during that time. their output and radiohead's really capture the feeling of the time for me. and hell yes, BSG.

me too : (
i'm going to miss his presidency SO MUCH.

that final bit would *totally* be me.