Salty Dog

The people screaming about this have little to no understanding of how it's used. They don't know what they're concerned about. They just want to be angry about something. Enter the privacy nuts with their fearmongering "Big Brother is selling your browsing history to evil people!" nonsense and everyone is up in

Why do you care if Charter sells it? The only real use for it is to do targeted marketing. Is targeted marketing really that offensive to you? They're going to market to you anyway. Wouldn't it be better if it was customized? I don't think people understand that. You get this "they're trying to sell my data"

This is a non-story. The only consequence of this is targeted marketing. You're living in a fantasy world if you think marketing is going away. If we're going to be marketed to, why not make it targeted so it's more likely to be something you're interested in? I wish articles would explain that. The privacy folks

It's not about "improving the original". This very clearly is the origin story of the Norman Bates from the Hitchcock movie "Psycho", right? It's not some random story. It's designed to fit into the movie just like Rogue One fit right into A New Hope. There's a character you're arcing to, and when you mess with

No. No. A thousand times no. Norman Bates is established as a character. You want to change how the story plays out? Fine. Don't change the character. He's a brilliant, iconic character. Norman kills women. It's what he does. Sure, he'll kill men out of necessity, but it's women he kills to satisfy his urges.

But it's basically completely against reality. People with mental disorders have them all the time. They don't magically disappear like clouds when it's convenient for the plot. It seems to me they just wanted to do something other than the iconic scene as it was in the movie and did that rather than what would

That's a ludicrous idea. Did Janet Leigh "deserve to die" in the original? That misses the point entirely. A mentally deranged person doesn't kill people who deserve it. They kill because they're crazy. That's why the original worked. People were shocked Janet Leigh was killed off so early, partly because she

What an utter disappointment. I turned it off 10 minutes before the end. This horseshit they're trying to spin about "telling our own story" is offensive. "Psycho" is canon. You don't get to make your own version of it. You get to make a prequel that gives us some insight into the characters, but when it joins up

Rihanna's a genius casting decision. I'm enjoying her in the show, but beyond that, this is a classic movie that everyone should be exposed to. I'm excited it might draw in folks that have never seen Psycho. Can you imagine what's in store for them? It'll be like seeing Hitchcock's original when it was released. Not

If you want a good laugh, think back to the marijuana growing plot angle. It spanned multiple seasons but in retrospect served no purpose whatsoever to the story. They should really release a complete series that cuts out all of that plus any other diversion that doesn't serve any purpose. I bet you could cut it down

I can believe she owned a Miata. 1) Summers are fantastic in the Pacific Northwest 2) Miatas aren't that expensive 3) a good looking woman in a red convertible always works.

Here's what should be done: women should dedicate a day to work and donate all of their earnings to charities/NGOs/whatever that work to improve the station of women in countries where they're doing the worst. That's how you effect change. As best I can tell, there are about 72 million working women in the US.

Surely you understand why, right? Your average American wants to get places. They may or may not care about your cause. They do not want you blocking traffic. Rights aren't unlimited. You have a right to peaceably assemble and to speak. That right isn't unlimited. Once you block a public road, you're trampling

Not that logic matters to you, but the point is that folks who organize a peaceful protest shouldn't be held responsible for the damage caused by unrelated folks who riot, burn, and loot. No one's advocating for rioting, burning, and looting.

That's a nonsense opinion. It's not a zero sum game. We can have both. You have the right to peaceably assemble. The constitution guarantees that. It doesn't override the right of business owners to be free from wanton destruction as a political gesture. All rights exist in a delicate balance. And the solution

Counterpoint: why should everyone else have to pay for the destruction wrought by idiots? Because that's what's happening now. Folks smash windows, burn cars, and destroy property and who pays? You and I. Whether it's our taxes, or the costs borne by a business owner, or the increased costs passed on to us, we're

Read the Constitution, which reads: "Congress shall make no law … respecting … the right of the people peaceably to assemble". Once the people become violent, that right goes out the window. And you cannot possibly expect that to be some sort of individual right. It's a collective right. Law enforcement cannot

First episode I've turned off before the end. It's so bad. It's like a parody episode made by someone mocking the show. I cannot believe such talented actors wasted their time with this claptrap. It's the artistic equivalent of somehow turning kobe beef into a turd. You have epic source material. You have fantastic

Basically, Ford loves the park. He's against anyone who doesn't share his vision or who could threaten it. That includes the Board/Charlotte, since they view it as so much nonsense to be monetized, but it also includes Elsie. She knew too much, asked too many questions, and probed too deeply. He wants to off both of

I'm thinking this is all building to a robot uprising orchestrated by Ford so he can kill off those who don't share his vision (e.g. Charlotte) and make it look accidental. He's programmed Maeve to lead the uprising, eventually she'll kill the people who oppose him, and he can blame it all on bad coding that led to a