Salty Dog

It's not a zero-sum game. All rights exist in a delicate counterbalance. The problem is that everyone wants to apply their own weighting. Most liberal/progressive folks aren't religious and thus don't care about that right, so they give it very little weight. Yes, there's a constitutional right to equal protection

I just don't agree. Consider the context. We're talking about a fledgling country that had just won its independence via armed conflict. Of course they'd want to let every man, woman, and child arm themselves. Had they said "hey, guys, we gotta listen to the British soldiers", this country wouldn't exist. I think

Much truth is said in jest. Do you realize how many people who want to sacrifice themselves on the altar of the first amendment then say "eh, second amendment, that thing's out of date, let's ignore it"? It's fucking troubling, man. Once you start picking and choosing which rights matter and which ones don't,

You're wasting your time. 99.999% of the people here will write it off as "well this guy's a fucking idiot, there are no constitutional rights on Twitter" and that's the end of it. They have absolutely zero interest in what a near-ubiquitous form of modern communication banning certain viewpoints means because they

Whoa, there, fellow, careful with that free speech talk. We only want speech we approve of to be protected. You must be new to these parts.

Not really the point. Because it's not a right doesn't mean it's right for Twitter to do. It's embarrassing for a company that essentially wants to become a virtual version of the town square to discriminate against viewpoints (which, all talk of ToS violations aside, is what this is) in the name of protecting

I couldn't agree more with the opening of the review. "Prestige" shows have become obsessed with adding more and more characters & story lines and refusing to tie them together coherently. I cannot stand the GoT model of "10 minutes of each story line every week". These shows need to cut the number of characters in

I would assume the no-accent voice is the default. It's the "basic" setting they all have. The accent is then layered on top.

This show is the emperor's new clothes. Everyone's marveling at it because it's a show creatively driven by young black folks about young black folks while ignoring that it just isn't entertaining in any way. It's not very funny. It's not very dramatic. If it were a show that you didn't consider important

He would have been convicted in the real world. Go find one instance of someone engaging in knifeplay with a woman, having sex with her, passing out in her house while someone else murders her in that same house, and being caught by the police in possession of the knife. It's not reasonable. A jury would have

It's not a relevant point. Naz was in her house, his blood was in her house, he had in his possession a knife that had cut her, he was without a doubt there during the time period she was killed. That he had no blood on him isn't all that relevant. It's easily explained away by him being naked and taking a shower.

I can't disagree more. I need, want, demand, crave resolution, and I judge you harshly if you don't agree. It's no bad thing to be coherent and directed - in fact, that's usually what makes great entertainment and great art. Occasionally, art can be incoherent and powerful. I'd put, say, Jackson Pollack in that

I really wonder whether casting Riz Ahmed and Michael Kenneth Williams changed a whole lot about the show. It almost felt like the middle of the show just became "let's remake Oz with these guys" and that became the meat and the actual crime was a stale bun wrapped around it. It wouldn't shock me if they said "hey,

I don't disagree, but making a show that refuses to give answers is such horseshit, and it's everywhere these days. If Naz killed her, then he deserves to suffer for the rest of his life. If he didn't, it's a tragedy. Which is it? It has to be one or the other, and the refusal to decide (or, worse, to decide but

What a horseshit show. How can you call an "often unsatisfying finale" a B+ episode? What kind of world are we living in where people don't want satisfaction? I can't stand shows that think the "deliberately ambiguous" ending is some sort of masterstroke of art. One of two mutually exclusive things happened:

What's great about this: we'll all get lost in arguing about an all-woman version of a beloved all-male movie and no one will talk about how the only thing Hollywood can put out these days is nonsense reboot/sequel trash. The world doesn't need another Ocean's movie. The genre's been done to death. Please create

Are your arms tired because you just flew in? Jesus christ. I love that this comments section is like open mic night in the Adirondacks and we call all get our painfully bad jokes out where no one will read them. In a way, it gives the site a sorely needed purpose. The AV Club: containing the terrible jokes from

You're not very smart. The Rio police didn't have to do a goddamned thing. It's their own inferiority complex that drove this entire thing. Any city/country worth a damn would have said let's just let this die out, it's not a big deal, we had a great Olympics, focus on the positive. But no - Brazil had to break

He won 12 gold medals, you zilch. He could have absolutely nothing inside his cranium and it wouldn't matter. And why? Because he's spent his whole life training hard to be great instead of sitting on his ass posting things no one cares about on the Internet like you, me, and every other loser that's reading this.

Where's the problem? The guy won massive glory for himself and our country with his 12 gold medals. Does taking a leak on a gas station and pulling down a poster outweigh that? He should have tons of sponsors and make a ton of money. He did something just about no one in the world could do. This is how the world