Salty Dog

I have a bottle of whiskey, a survival knife with a compass and various items in the hilt that I got for subscribing to Field & Stream in 1988, and three not yet expired Slim Jims. LET'S DO THIS!

Gay immunity idol.

But Negan was always clean-shaved, looked younger, and used curse words like punctuation. Jeffrey Dean Morgan just didn't do it for me. Negan should be physically imposing. JDM looks like a stiff breeze would blow him over and he's a graybeard. It's just a bad casting decision to me. This would have been a great

I have no idea. I watched the final 15 mins with the sound off. I just wanted to see what major character got killed and they couldn't even manage that. Seriously, in what world is this acceptable? It's as if you were with your lover for one night before six months away, you're going at it, and he/she stops, gets

Right? Because the best way to deliver an emotional impact is to postpone it for half a year.

Did anyone else think: just wait until the logs burn and then drive over the ashes? I don't understand the point of burning your blockade.

Some lowlights:

What Netflix did was totally understandable. You know that if they didn't do that, kids on their parents' plans would blow way, way past the plan's data caps and you'd get stories like we used to hear about the parents who got $2,000 bills because their teen sent a billion text messages that month. That makes

Well, yeah, but based on incompetence or purposelessness, not discrimination. Honestly, I don't even understand why they're passing it. I started out writing about this issue and thought it did something and now I think you're right, it's just a pointless shot across the bow to say "hey gays, we still don't like

But that's not what this law does. Nothing stops a local government from passing a law that requires the only grocery store in town to sell to all town residents, at least as I understand things. Ensuring its residents can purchase food they need to survive is the heart of a compelling government interest.

Well, that's not so. There are certain constitutionally protected rights that can't be violated. You can ask a black man (or a person of any sex, gender, race, etc) to leave your store if, for example, that person is shouting at people and threatening them. You can't prevent all black folks from coming into your

But it doesn't. I posted this about, but a federal law (RFRA) already does exactly the same thing. I'm not a legal scholar, but if a federal law already exists, and a state passes a law that says the same thing, it's a no op. The only way it would make a bit of difference is if the federal law was changed.

Right. My point is, it doesn't do anything. I read through the law multiple times. Everything it does already exists. That's why I'm puzzled. It seems like we're protesting a bill that doesn't actually do anything than isn't already being done. It's sort of like we're so used to states making up crazy laws that

But that protection already exists via the federal Religious Freedom Restoration act, which requires strict scrutiny when a law would substantially burden the free exercise of religion. See Burwell v. Hobby Lobby. The SCOTUS found that a private business wasn't required to pay for contraception for its workers

But that's not what the Georgia law does. It doesn't change anything about how anyone other than religious institutions operates. It doesn't change a thing about how businesses operate. If it sanctioned discrimination by businesses, I'd be with you. It doesn't. It just says actual religious organizations

No. The state may substantially burden exercise of religion if it's to further a compelling government interest and is the least restrictive means possible. I don't particularly care about weed, you probably don't care, but it's not too hard to see the government making a case that it has an interest in preventing

I'll bite. How does this law completely fuck up other peoples' lives? Not a single gay marriage will be prevented. I'm trying to think of what's being fucked up. Are gay folks in Georgia demanding to be married by a priest? Is GLAAD trying to have a meeting in a church in Atlanta? Are gay folks in Georgia going

I'm sure there's no way anyone's going to agree, I'm sure I'll be called a bigot. I'm 100% for same sex marriage. I don't understand why this isn't viewed as a reasonable compromise between the rights of folks to be treated equally and the right of folks to adhere to their religion. It does three things.

Who's the Wood Rocket customer? I don't get it. It looks like it's basically hipster porn, which makes no sense, because the entire point of hipster anything is to be seen doing it, and who's at the water cooler saying "fuck that mainstream shit, I only beat off to Wood Rocket"? I guess I can see sending links to

I cannot for the life of me understand anyone who wants to produce or watch something that combines parody and pornography. It's ne'er the twain shall meet for me. If anyone's actually into parody porn: why? I'm wracking my brain. Maybe you could make an argument that if you've watched a show/movie/whatever and