Salty Dog

I cannot for the life of me understand why people like over the top characters. Am I the only person who finds a more naturalistic show like The West Wing far superior to a melodramatic show like House of Cards? And this episode is almost proof positive of that. The shooting actually makes most of the characters

What's tough about this debate is that someone like you has a deeply personal and painful experience with it and the rest of us are basically just arguing about theory. I think we ought to show a whole lot of respect for the opinions of folks like you because they come from reality, not these abstract notions being

That's a curious position to take. There's a good reason the legal system is stacked against everyone: the whole "better a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man be imprisoned" line of thinking. I would say you're right in concluding that rape is on the very end of the continuum in terms of being

To be fair, it seems like quite a large number of regulars are jackasses who are condescending.

The business model is that the label finds "undiscovered talent" and signs them to a contract in which the artist receives money up front to produce an album and all of the accoutrements necessary to sell it (promotion, etc) in exchange for agreeing to make a certain number of albums for the label if they're

That's only true for unknown talent who have no leverage in negotiations. Once you're established, you can dictate the terms of the contract. That's just basic contract logic. It makes no sense for the label to risk investing money in unknown talent if they can't then reap the financial rewards should the artist

They should have an Indiana Jones style map shot with the red line going from place to place intermixed with footage of characters traveling.

I pictured this being read by Cocoa Brown.

Out of curiosity: how do you manage to do that when (and feel free to disagree with me if you like) it's crystal clear the rest of the planet will never do it? It's irrelevant what you do if the mass of people don't do the same. Do you keep blinders on and not worry that everyone else is going to ruin things? Do

Agree 100%. Their relationship embodies everything wrong with the current writers. We're supposed to accept that they're a couple despite zero on-screen chemistry (in my opinion, anyway). The writers are just moving characters around nonsensically rather than letting things develop organically.

Maybe if she, I don't know, tried a hairstyle that didn't remind every man of his mom (and not in the MILF way, in the "I can never have sex with a women that looks like that). Just spitballing here. I could be way off.

It verges on the laughable. 100% of men would be banging Christine Serratos whether she was the last woman on earth or the trillionth. Seriously, what's the logic? "Rosita, you're really hot and all, and I really like having sex with you, and it's pretty amazing I'm with a super-hot chick given that my selection is

The entire rationale for her not going is to ensure the continued survival of the species. It can't go on without babies. Realistically, if the human race wants to survive, all of the women who can bear children should be doing so. Unless they're just giving up and living out the rest of their days, I guess.

I stopped watching the show (and feel completely validated by the "Rick and Michonne hook up!" nonsense), but you're right about Rosita. This is what's terrible about this show. Characters behave in ways that defy any sort of internal logic. Abraham's a big meathead. In a million of a million universes he's with

I just realized (or more like flashed back, I guess) to how much Claire's character feels like a cautionary tale about feminism. She doesn't have the stereotypical female things that give meaning to life - a house, a family, children - so she has to occupy herself with other things. I think that's what is truly

She really is the worst. It feels like in past seasons (perhaps less so as the show has gone on), they did more to humanize her. Now they've cut all of those moorings and just made her Frank 2.0. The relationship scenes between them in this season - I'm not joking, I can barely get through them. I turned one

He's one of the characters I enjoy the most because I get him. He has an internal logic that makes sense to me. I'm rarely annoyed when he's on-screen. It almost feels like he somehow was on the set of the West Wing and accidently got trapped in a closet and somehow made it out onto House of Cards.

I won't give any spoilers, but I really disliked episodes 1-3, really liked episodes 4 until maybe 8, and I'm afraid to watch the rest because it involves the Claire as VP storyline which is utter garbage. I disagree with the reviewer. Anything that unrealistic ruins the show. I know what you're saying - hey, the

Well, I won't argue your conclusion, although I feel compelled to note the insult was based on use of two words that no one who wants to be taken seriously should be using now that we're two decades past the 90's, not on your opinion. But you're right, I'm a pretty miserable human being, so you win, although I will

Look, there's a whole lot of space between "King Lear" and "Dexter Season 8". No one's expecting Emmy-quality writing, but there's a line below which the writing becomes so bad it's embarrassing. I mean, seriously. What percentage of characters do you actually care about in the show? For me, it's pretty low. It's